Tom Pope evaluation day

On Friday the 10th of July, we Met again with Tom Pope and the Team from the Jersey societe, We were asked to make a presentation showing our work from our ‘chance, change & Challenge’ project. This presentation had to include research, our idea’s, and our final out comes. Our group was a large group, therefor we split into two groups. In my group we had to meet the assessment criteria of;

  • uses a range of visual language skills
  • consistent command skills/technique
  • selection of final material is clear and consistent
  • skillful outcomes that show a consistent level of knowledge, skill and understanding
  • work that has a personal identity
  • final pieces are well constructed
  • Perceptive connections linking own work top sources

Flora, Meghan and I created a film which was running in the background which contained pictures from the trip to St Malo and the edited films. Whilst the slides were running behind us we were talking about our trip and about our idea’s. We decided to do this rather than a power point as we thought it took a  more creative approach- also giving the audience something interesting to look at.

After every presentation we had to fill out a feedback sheet which was returned to the group. In the majority of our feed back we got either ‘confident’ or ‘competent’, however our group didn’t present enough research to support our work therefor we got some ‘basic’s’ and ‘not present’s’

Here is a picture of our feed back sheets;feedback sheet

This is the slide of pictures and movies that we had playing in the background whilst we spoke.

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