What I have left to do?
- 2 photo shoots
- Portrait of my mum
- Archive material
- Edit new photographs
- Finish essay
- Start photo book
Over this half term I plan to do my final two photo shoots of my mum. I am going to revisit one of the houses that she works at because I think the quality of some of the photographs can be improved and so that I can build upon the photos I already have. I am also going to continue taking photographs of my mum at home before and after work continuing the theme of a ‘hidden identity’ . After I have done this I should have enough photographs to choose from for my photo book. Although I already have some archival material I need to scan them so I have a digital copy ready to use. Finally, I am also going to try and start putting my photo book together on blurb by downloading the software and creating an account, so I can do this from home.