Objective: Criteria from the Syllabus
- Establish coherent and sustainable links between your own practical work with that of historical and contemporary reference.
- Show evidence for an on-going critical and analytical review of your investigation – both your written essay and own practical work in response to research and analysis.
Words associated with my personal study:
- Working environment
- Culture/ background
- Female stereotype
- Hard working ethic
- Mum
- Family history
- Male stereotype
- Dad
Possible questions:
- How does my mum’s culture and background influence her work ethic?
- To what extent does my family history influence my mum’s work ethic?
- Does my mum work fit into a stereotypical female role?
- How does my mums culture and family history impact her work ethic?
- How does my mums role as breadwinner abdicate from her culture?
- In what way is my mums work ethic influenced?
Essay structure
Hypothesis/ question
An opening quote – work photographers
Introduction – state what I am going to be looking at, why and my influences.
Paragraph 1 – talk about my mums family history, her background and culture and about her move to Jersey.
Paragraph 2 – Explain the different jobs that my mum has and talk about her work ethic and make links to her background and education.
Paragraph 3 – talk about my mums role at home (main breadwinner) – stereo typically men provide for the family link to family history. Link to female roles and feminism?
Conclusion – answer the question.