Shoot 8


This Sunday my Dad is going to drive me around to various places across the island connected to my Grandfather. The plan is to photograph these places in order to gain a few more outcomes, aswell as hopefully learn a little bit more about my Grandfather. I am aiming to go to 5-6 different places for this shoot. I am aware that we may struggle to find certain areas which is why I am propbably going to complete 2-3 types of these shoots in total, in order to get the quantity and variety of images that I require.

For this particular shoot I want to photograph landscape and still life objects.

  • My Granddad’s grave
  • The Windmill in St Peters
  • ‘Maitland’: the house where he was born
  • ‘Sommerlie’: the house he grew up
  • The farm he brought when he was 20, situated in an unknown location in St Peter’s


Overall this was a very fun and interesting shoot to complete. The lighting was very consititent throughout the day which meant that I could shoot with an constast ISO 400.

The main difficulty we encountered was finding where ‘Maitland House’ was. My uncle told us that it was somewhere along Trinity Hill ut in the end we couldn’t find it. Other than that we got to most of the other locations with relative ease, apart from the farm that my Grandad work on. We think we got the right location however we may need to check on this.

After going to all the designated locations, we went for lunch at St Ouens. After this I decided to photograph a little bit in the St Ouens area. My Granddad grew up in St Ouens and so I thought it would be relevant to take a few landscape shots around the La Braye and L’Tacq area.

I am pleased with my overally outcomes and beleive that I have a good variety.

Here are my outcomes from this shoot..


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