Night Photography Experimentation

A few weeks ago I was walking home from a shoot with my sister and her family, I decided to walk home and instead of just going straight home with my camera in my bag I kept my camera out and made photographs as I was walking just as an experimentation of the light and how the camera picks up different light in the evening compared to in the day time. I also made images of the people walking past me to see how it looked and whether or not they were in good lighting for silhouettes. I liked this experimentation as it has helped me come up with some more ideas to add to my Film Noir inspired project. The photos I have made aren’t meant to look great or anything special I was just trying out different lighting at to see whether or not it was dark enough for the light to really stand out when it actually comes to making the Film Noir inspired night images that I want.

I think that these images look a lot better in black and white and the lighting is perfect for the experiment that I want to do. I like the idea of this shooting and making images during the night as it brings a sense of mystery and allure which is the kind of images that I want to create when my Femme Fatales are introduced. I want to experiment further with different locations for this shoot before actually going out and shooting it as I think that this will make it a lot easier when actually shooting as I will know exaclty where, how and what I want to shoot.

night photos b&wThis is my favourite image out of all the images that I made that evening as the lighting is great and is very film noir with more of a chiaroscuro lighting feel towards it. I think that when it comes to actually shooting this might be a possible location or more likely I will definitely be using a lamppost to light my images and to make harsh lighting so that the silhouette of the Femme Fatale really stands out in the darkness and looks mysterious. This experimentation worked well for me and has given me a chance to have a look at what kind of images that I am able to create when it actually comes to making the images.

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