
What is a community?

A community is a social unit of any size that shares common values. Although embodied or face-to-face communities are usually small, larger or more extended communities such as a national community, international community and virtual community are also studied. The main realistic meaning of a community is a group of people who connect well together socially, mentally or sometimes economically. Examples of communities are: clubs, such as swimming, hockey, religious community, friendship etc.

This topic interests me the most as I feel like I can relate to this theme as I am part of two communities, one with my dancing and one with my close group of friends. I do everything with my friends and I put my full trust in them as I tell them everything, so to capture beautiful images of them is exciting, and I want to base my project around them. I am going to take my disposable camera with me when we go out together just in case a good opportunities comes up, I have my camera to take a picture. This continuous shooting relates to documentary photography as the photos will be over a long period of time, summer to winter, recording specific events etc. I am going to base mostly all my projects around using a disposable camera as I love the effect they have when printed and it makes it more unique to me as they aren’t used often. They present past tense with the vintage type style that they are printed with but then represent present tense as the document is in present tense. I also have a vintage camera which is similar to a disposable camera as it requires film, I love the old fashioned tinge it has the photographs, so I am going to experiment with both cameras and see which result is better. However, I do want to have some well focused photographs so when I go to England at Christmas with all my family I will take some with a professional camera and some with a disposable. I feel like not every photograph can be taken with a disposable as some need definition with clear focused parts and blurred backgrounds to make an effective picture.

fujifilm-x100s-x20-camerasdownload (1)

One thought on “Community”

  1. A good plan with using disposable camera. I think you also should explore using your camera phone and upload in Instagram using filters that make them look vintage. Try also and research images that has this visual look, produce a moodboard. Look also up the concept of vernacular photography which is a concept that examine amateur photography which is a visual look and style that you are interested in. Try also find at least two photographers photographing int his style, Theo Gosselin and Bertie van Manen. I’m also interested to know more about your dancing. Maybe this should be a second idea for you explore or better include in your project about friendship.

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