5 Week plan

Week of the 12th OctRECORD: This weekend I am going to record images of myself that replicate the photographs of my mum from her wedding day. I will get these photographs developed on Monday and hopefully have them to present on Tuesday.

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Week of the 19th Oct – Find photographs through old family albums and find images of me and my family. I want to try and replicate those photographs so I can present them from past tense to present tense and see the difference between them.


Week of the 26th Oct RECORD: I am going to Southampton for 2 days, in this time I am going to capture some images from around the town of different kinds of people. This will relate to the theme of community, showing the contrast between different classes of people and how they make up our community. This will be interesting as it will be in a different setting to Jersey which is what I want to do. I could then take photographs of our community, in Jersey, showing the contrast here and then compare the two places.

Week of the 2nd Nov – Research community photographers.

 Week of the 9th Nov –  RECORD: On the weekend its my Friends Birthday and she is having a party at one of the heritage sites in Jersey, L’etacquerel fort. The theme is glitter so I want to bring my disposable camera and take lots of pictures of my friends at the party and I especially think the glitter will look really effective in the photographs. This will relate to the theme of community as our friendship group is a big community, we are all basically like family so I am hoping to capture some images that reflect that.



2 thoughts on “5 Week plan”

  1. Are you going to Southampton with friends or family? If so use it as a road trip (alas Gosselin) Focus on you and your friends interacting with a new environment

    Your second idea is to restate old family images too right?

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