Creating my Photo Book

My personal study is all about my Grandparents, Ruth and Rowland and their lives. I have titled my project ‘The Heavens’ as I think that the surname of ‘Heaven’ is quite intriguing. I also think  that using the name that they both share as the title is the first indication that the book is about a married couple and about their love for one another.

In this project I tried to incorporate lots of different angles of their lives, I have tried to divide the book up and format it in a way that is easy to view.

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I decided that I didn’t want to use a key image from my photo book as my cover, instead I used a picture of my grandparents table cloth as the cover image.  I also decided to not put the title, ‘The Heaves’ on the front cover. I wanted to leave the contains of the book a bit ambiguous. These formatting styles got inspired by Sam Harris’ book, ‘The middle of Somewhere’.

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Sam Harris’ cover was designed by one of his daughters. I thought it was really eye catching and gave the book a slick look.

The next pages of my book contains a bright blue page followed by  the title page.Screen Shot 2016-02-28 at 19.34.49

I thought that the blue was very eye catching and added colour straight into the book. I also think that having a couple of blank pages leading into the book is nicer than jumping straight into pictures.

I chose to use a couple of different picture formats throughout the book to keep it interesting.

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This portrait of my Grandpa sat on his piano stool is a full bled image that is presented on the left page of the book. I think because this is a key image in this collection it is important to make it a large image. I also think that by having a plain white page on the right ride of the book, it emphasises the image. Sam Harris’ photobook contains all full bled images, as it suited his style of book, a family journal.

Another image layout I used is smaller images that are padded giving it a white boarder all the way round the image.

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I mainly used this format when using archival images, as I didn’t want the images to be large and pixilated. In this example above I used my Grandparents favourite family photograph from when they were a young couple with their three boys. I then presented on the right side of the page an archival image of their three sons.

I tried to create a sequence by following these archival images with a  picture of my younger cousins.

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I chose to use this picture of my cousins as the next photo in the sequence as they are around a similar age that my uncles were in the previous image. I think you can see the resemblence between my uncles and my cousins; the ginger hair, pale skin, cheeky smiles.

I had extracted my favourite quotes from my interviews with grandparents and wanted to insert them into my book. I divided these quotes into 5 categories; Faith, Family, Jersey, Wales and Music. I presented them like this in my book.

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I didn’t want to accompany the words with any images as I wanted the views full attention on the quote. I got inspiration from Martin Usborne’s ‘Ive lived in East London for 86 1/2 years’. His project was on Joseph Meek.

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The final formatting design I used was using archival images. At the begging of my book I used two separate images of my grandparents as children. I positioned them on joining pages with the same amount of padding. I also used two similar archival image but they were taken around the time they got married. I put these images on the final pages of the book.

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Over view of my project

I am really happy with the way my project turned out. I think my images represent my grandparents lives well. I have really enjoyed working with the theme of family, as I think it has allowed me to really get stuck into the project, by working with a subject that I am familiar and comfortable with.


Final Outcomes | Personal Study

Here are all of the final outcomes that I have produced for my personal study. I have found this process fun and something different with creating a photo book and a short film. I have really enjoyed exploring the role of my mother and how she sees it herself. This really inspired me to create images and to make an even better final piece in the forms of a short film and a photo book. I have also added in a PDF link to my essay.

Personal Study | Essay

Shannon O’Donnell | Personal Study Essay

Behind Every Good Man There Is A Great Woman | Short Film

Shrinking Violet | Photo Book

Link to photo book: Shrinking Violet | Shannon O’Donnell

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Close up tasters of  pages:






The final evaluation of my project Three Chapters. 

Overall, I think my project had both positive and negative aspects to it. Firstly, the research and planning that went into the project I think was successful, I looked into a diverse range of sources including, websites, books, magazines and newspapers. I think it is important when beginning a new project there must be a comprehensive and thorough investigation into the theme and concept behind the project. Therefore, it was appropriate for the research to heavily influence my original work. The second part to my project is the actual recording and photo-shoots. I began my project by interviewing my grandmother, I wanted to learn more about my grandfather and the best possible person to talk to is his ex wife and best friend. The interview was very interesting and evoked a great deal of emotions from my grandmother, she found it incredibly difficult to talk about my grandfather. This then led me to begin looking at my grandfather’s past, I started looking at archive images that my mother had kept. There was a collection of images that stood out to me, photographs of him with his children, on his wedding day, at his retirement do, holidays, birthdays and normal everyday events. I also thought it was appropriate to look through the box my mother has of some of his belongings. There was lots of condolence letters and cards sent to my family, there was the death certificate, birth certificate of his child Christine Benning who is my mother and there were personal items like his after shave and darts. Other photo-shoots I produced were focused on personal items that I had found, images from interviewing my grandmother, photographs from visiting places that reminded me of him like Green Island beach and Queens Valley Reservoir. I think it was important to include several types of images for example, portraits, landscapes, close-ups and stills. The next aspect of my project was on the experimentation, each photograph was cropped, levelled and adjusted regarding the contrast and brightness. I used the black and white effect on particular images and especially concentrated on Photoshop when arranging the collage I created of my grandfather’s life. However, I do think that I needed to focus on experimentation a great deal more in this project. Therefore, for my next project I will specifically spend more time concentrating on the experimentation of the images I have.

With regards to the essay, I found it difficult to think of a title in the beginning but came up with the title ‘How has Boltanski, Abril and Toroptsov represented the concept of capturing the invisible and reflecting the meaning of memory through the medium of photography?‘ I think it was specific enough but  still allowed me to look at lots of different aspects and include my family’s interpretation as well as my interpretation. I enjoyed writing the essay because it explained the path I was taking regarding my influences from photographers, academics and artists. I found the analysis of images complicated and hard to understand sometimes due to some of the images being more metaphorical and therefore could have multiple meanings.  I wanted my introduction to be more poetic and abstract but I wanted the conclusion to complete the essay, basically finish it off by answering the question simply. I think the design of the book was successful, I researched the designs of books on the Blurb website as well as designs of other photographers both professional and amateur. My book design was a combination of scientific and metaphorical, I wanted my images to contrast and compliment each other. I thought it took a great deal of time to design my own book, especially when designing the essay into my book. I wanted it to look clean and precise but it was not as simple as I initially anticipated. I am happy with my final design for my photo-book, I think the title works really well and the sequencing of the images are strong. But I do think it would of benefited by project if I had started designing my book a lot earlier so that I could experiment with book more, with regards to the layout and order.

I think I have managed to confidently capture the concept of photographing the invisible and the idea of memory. I wanted to explore how the invisible can be made visible. I think the idea was initially quite daunting because it seemed such a complex concept but once I properly looked into it more, I decided the project would work.