Olympia is a film produced by Leni Riefenstahl in 1938. This film is a German documentary film, documenting the Summer Olympics in 1936, which was held in the Olympic Stadium in Berlin, Germany. There are three versions of the film, one in English, French and German, each versions are slightly different from one another. Some of the differences are that in one of the languages is that in one of the first released one the famous dive scene was 4 minutes long and Riefenstahl re-edited this and changed it to 50 seconds long. This entire scene could be seen in prints also. There are two parts to the film: Olympia 1. Teil – Fest der Volker (Festival of Nations) and Olympia 2: Teil – Fest de Schonheit (Festival of Beauty). This was the first documentary feature film that was ever made of the Olympic Games. At the time this was produced the motion pictures which were used were advanced, however later on these became industry standards, compared to how they were advanced motion pictures at the time. These advanced techniques include unusual camera angles, smash cuts, extreme close-ups. Olympia has been said to be a controversial film due to its political context, however it appears on many list of the greatest films.
When looking at the images from the film Olympia it is clear that they are all similar in a sense that they are all muscular, this is so that they can complete their sports to their full ability. The images which have been taken from the film Olympia the body figures are strong images, and i think that this can relate to the classical Greek structures because of the masculine figures, but also because of the postures and shapes of the competitors body.
This image shows how the images from the film Olympia can be related to the Greek classical structures because some images copy how the Greek classical structures have been build. This can be said to show how these muscular figures have had an influence on the younger generations but even the older generations and made them want to have a similar body type/image. Some of these images that i found from the film show the muscular body but also the sport that they are doing in the Olympics. All if not most of the positions which the people are standing in or doing their sport in have strong postures/perfect form. Which i think this can show the relation to the Greek structures as they are almost strong like the statues.