Time photography

The idea ‘chronophotography’  was invented by French physiologist Etienne-Jules in the 1880’s, Jules did this so he could make accurate physiological analyses of movements, this term was also later applied to a range of images that are in a sequence. These were used by scientists to help analyse how the human body worked while we moved. Scientists began to make single-place chronophotographs, where multiple image were taken on one plate which overlapped one another. In the late 1850’s the measurement of the duration of an electric spark was measured by Bernhard Feddersen. Multi-plate chronophotography was later used, this is where a full range of movements was recorded on a series of individual photographic plates, this was first invented by using a battery of separate cameras, this was first introduced by Eadweard Muybridge. Movements were later captured in the 19th century where it was found that chronophotography methods could be reproduced into an illusion of natural movement, for example in a zoetrope, a zoetrope is a ‘optical toy consisting of a cylinder with a series of pictures on the inner surface that, when viewed through slits with the cylinder rotating, giving an impression of continuous motion’.

The four main figures of choronophotography are Muybridge, Marey, Ottomar Anschutz, and Georges Demeny. 

Eadweard Muybridge took a series of chronophotography images of someone riding a horse, and Muybridge was the first person who found out that when a horse galloped that at one point when the horse is galloping, all of the horses hooves are off the floor at one time, so at one point the horse is completely off the floor. Muybridge’s images were mainly used for scientific basis, as Muybridge was a photographer, his works were used for scientific study. To make this image of the horse Muybridge lined a raceway with 15-foot sheeting, which lines were also drawn at 21-inch intervals. While the horse raced the 12 cameras took the images as the horse rushed past.  

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Muybridge inspired others such as Marey, he was interested in human and animal locomotion, and he was influenced to experiment using photography. Marey invented a gun camera which he used in the early 1880’s, this made exposures fast enough to record the bodily movements of a bird flying. 


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