Greek classical sculptures/ ideal forms

Images and icons:

Mapplethorpe’s pictures and self-portraits are described as ‘photography’s handmade nature’. His images show the history of art and the movement of the muscular body. 

‘While we may admire the form, the grace, of a sculpted nude, when we learn its name, say Apollo or Hermes, our comprehension of the significance of the form blossoms to include a narrative that lies beyond the plainly visual’
‘I went into photography because it seemed like a perfect vehicle  for commenting on the madness of today’s existence’ 

‘I have boundless admiration for the naked body. I worship it… sometimes, looking at a model, you think you have found nothing. Then, all at once, little by little, nature reveals itself, a strip of flesh appears, and the shred of truth conveys the whole truth and enables you to rise at a single bound, to the absolute principle of things’  (Mapplethorpe 2004: 47)  


In Robert Mapplethorpe’s book ‘Robert Mapplethorpe and the classical tradition’ he focuses on images from around the 16th century of Greek classical structures and sculptures of men but also women. The people in these images are very muscular, which when taken in the 16th century it is not something that you would think everyone would be interested in looking like. Also these images from the 16th century raise questions as to whether this is why people nowadays have been so interested in going to the gym and getting them self the ‘perfect/ideal’ body that they want. When going through the book most of the images are from the late 16th century in part of the book but parts are also of Robert Mapplethorpe’s images which he has taken of body builders, most of which are of the body builders naked, from different angles. In these images it shows the different muscles of the body builders. Some of the images are portraits of the bodybuilders or of different people, these images show the faces of the bodybuilders. Most of Robert Mapplethorpe’s images he is trying to replicate the images from the late 16th century to show the human physique. 




Artist references: Chris Dorley-Brown and Lydia Goldblatt

The Longest Way Round: Chris Dorley-Brown:

Chris Dorley-Brown creates a visual journey of his family’s history through archival images joined together with new photographs captured since his parents death. The project is an alternative narrative of the course of events that shaped his family’s life. The work investigates personal experiences, memory and identity. It offers an intimate story of a unique view of the world war and the impact on a British family. During World War Two Dorley-Brown’s parents Peter and Brenda had known each other as childhood friends for many years. Peter who was 19 at the time, volunteered as a heavy artillery sergeant and managed to survive the Battle of Crete. He also survived four years as a prisoner of war in German camps and a ‘death march’, consisting of more than 500 miles in extreme weather towards the end of the war. At the same time, Brenda has married twice and given birth to one son from each relationship. She traveled to the US in 1945 with her two young sons, however, when he relationship in the US quickly broke down she decided to come back to Britain in 1946, although with only one son, leaving her second child behind with his American father. Peter and Brenda met again in Southern England in 1947 and married. They traveled through Europe in order to visit friends from the wartime and what remained from camps, during a precious time of recovery from the war. Both were dealing with the trauma of their own personal experiences and began to attempt to build a life of normality. ‘The Longest Way Round’ includes lots of wartime letters that reveal what life was like. Dorley-Brown’s images explore the postwar journey of his parents. The purpose of the work is to emphasise the hardship of war and a love story that followed as well as sense of closure for the author’s story. 

Personally, I have connected to this project and this particular artist the most compared to others I have studied. This is due to the concept of wanting to find your history and story. My grandfather was a massive influence and part of my mother and grandmother’s life, and in some respects mine as well. However, because I was only eight years old I did not know him as well as I would of wished. I think the project explores the relationship between his mother and father and the love they had for each other but also the difficulty and struggles they found with life before they met. Dorley-Brown uses a lot of archival images which reflect the state of society at the time of war, it shows the individuals lives before they met. I like how there are letters included because it brings about some sort of feeling of personal and closeness. It is like a mini insight.

Still Here: Lydia Goldblatt:

Goldblatt’s project stemmed from the idea to capture the inevitable changes brought about by her elderly father’s looming death. She endeavors to explore perception and the inner experience as much as a physical presence. ‘Still Here’ tells a story of the ever changing being and its constant flux. The offers a concentrated interpretation of mortality, time and love. It traces the indefinable holds that sculpt our individual existence. Goldblatt began photographing her father in 2010. He was 91 years old and his health had been getting worse over the years. She had continued to photograph her parents in their home until her father’s death in 2013. Goldblatt said the experience allowed her to connect with her father, clearly highlighting the invisible bonds of love. The project engages with the nature of shifting time.  

“Further down the line, he became more absent than present, but there were points when I’d pick up my camera and it gave him a sense of purpose,”

The work is mainly about the photographer’s family, but it cannot be ignored the highlighting of the nature of life. It presents photographs as a way of opening up an poetic interpretation. The images in the project are a combination of close up shots of the human form, as well as, still lives, portraits and abstracts. A story which has been told with tenderness addresses the delicate issue of growing old with the consideration of the changes we all must face in life. I really enjoyed looking through Goldblatt’s book, I think she has managed to photograph a difficult and personal topic in such an insightful and remarkably beautiful way. She has made the images have a certain effortless feel at the same time as addressing poignant issues. I especially like the close up images because they give you a different perspective. They allow the audience to visually see a unique view which can bring new ideas about as well as connect people with recognising themselves in the image. The book is a true piece of art in my opinion.



Title/question: The essay should focus on the title or question which i am addressing for this personal study. The title needs to involve the idea of Greek mythology/ the ideal body but also the idea of males being so obsessed with the gym.

Introduction: In my introduction i will explain the main body of my essay and what i am trying to discuss. The beginning paragraph will begin with a quote, and will contain artist movements and other photographers which i have been influenced by.

Essay ideas:

  1. How the idea of the perfect body is explored through the idea of Greek Sculpture
  2. How the idea of the perfect body is explored

Paragraph ideas: 

  • How photographers capture movement (Eadweard Muybridge’s chronotopia – the human figure in motion – illustrations
  • How Greek sculptures have presented the human body since BC to give us the idea of the ideal form
  • How we have been presented with the perfect form/ultimate thing to be (Plato) 
  • Why younger men are getting more interested into the gym/ more into fitness
  • How males are presented in photography / media

Planning stage:

The essay needs to follow a strict structure, where i focus on the thing i want to discuss one after the other. I will discuss my essay title and have a topic of discussion for each paragraph. I will be hoping to have 4-5 large paragraphs which i will discuss my essay in extra detail. 







Objective: Criteria from the Syllabus

  • Establish coherent and sustainable links between your own practical work with that of historical and contemporary reference.
  • Show evidence for an on-going critical and analytical review of your investigation – both your written essay and own practical work in response to research and analysis.

Words associated with my personal study:

  • Working environment
  • Culture/ background
  • Female stereotype
  •  Hard working ethic
  • Mum
  • Family history
  • Male stereotype
  • Dad

Possible questions:

  1. How does my mum’s culture and background influence her work ethic?
  2. To what extent does my family history influence my mum’s work ethic?
  3. Does my mum work fit into a stereotypical female role?
  4. How does my mums culture and family history impact her work ethic?
  5. How does my mums role as breadwinner abdicate from her culture?
  6. In what way is my mums work ethic influenced?

Essay structure 

Hypothesis/ question

An opening quote – work photographers

Introduction – state what I am going to be looking at, why and my influences.

Paragraph 1  – talk about my mums family history, her background and culture and about her move to Jersey.

Paragraph 2 – Explain the different jobs that my mum has and talk about her work ethic and make links to her background and education.

Paragraph 3 – talk about my mums role at home (main breadwinner) – stereo typically men provide for the family link to family history. Link to female roles and feminism?

Conclusion – answer the question.

My Specification | Main Projects

For my projects and essay I will be focusing on making a book and a short film to go with that book. If I can I also want to create a fashion magazine as this is something that really interests me and I have plenty of ideas that I want to create for it. I am focusing my work on feminism and the unfair advantages and disadvantages faced with both men and women. I will be focusing on two different aspects of feminism, the first being the unfair stereotype given to women of being the carer and basically live to serve, doing all the cooking and cleaning for the family and/or her husband. I also want to focus on smudging the lines between gender stereotypes of fashion. Both topics really interest me and I want to be able to explore them further.

Main Idea | Personal Shoot

I want to look into the life of my mother and how she is a working housewife. Meaning that she has a full-time job and works from 9-5 yet is this expected to come home and do all of the chores and house work, cooking and cleaning, that a housewife would usually be expected to do. I want to make a short film of my mother going about her everyday chores and what does on a regular occurrence. From those film clips I want to make film stills, inspired by the work of Cindy Sherman, and edit them into strong images. After this I want to then mimic the work myself in a parody sort of way to make my spectators focus on what is going on in the images and how old-fashioned it is for the woman to be doing all of the chores and housework. I will also be interviewing my mum and asking her various questions about feminism and her role in the family. This will go along with my short film that I will be creating. I think that this will be a really fun and an interesting project to do as it is more personal and I do think that the images will be more interesting for my spectators to look at.

– make videos of my mum doing her everyday chores at different times and basically film what she is doing. I want to make it more artistic and film in more artsy and creative ways instead of straight on boring video. I will be turning this into a short film with a voice over of an interview with my mum on her role in life and how she feels about it. I want to find out more about what she deems acceptable within our society and why she has raised me differently and more openly to how she was brought up. After collecting this footage I will make images from this of screenshots of my mother and I will restage these images of myself in front of the camera almost parodying her role and how I don’t want to have that same role and don’t accept to be stuck in an old-fashioned way of life.

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inspiration/mood board

Second Idea | Fashion and Gender

For this idea I want to create a fashion magazine dressing as both the male and female subjects of all of the images from the magazine. I have taken inspiration from Claude Cahun on smudging the lines between male and female stereotypes and want to explore this through the world of fashion. I have ideas of exaggerating ad campaigns that I have seen before to almost parody the ridiculous expectations put on both men and women with models acting and portraying the ‘perfect form’. Mainly this idea will focus on smudging the lines between the male and female expectations of fashion as I think that this is such a huge thing in recent times and will make the most impact on my spectators. I took inspiration for this from the recently launched ad campaign featuring Jaden Smith as the new face of Louis Vuitton womenswear. I find this so unique as Smith is bringing attention to gender stereotypes that we are all faced with but deem acceptable, this needs to change.

– make images in studio dressed as both the male and female model [wearing wigs and different clothing]
– possibly make images dressed as a different cultured woman [muslim] to show the difference in society [extra idea]
– make an image dressed as the Egyptian woman Nefertiti to add to the magazine [possibly, extra idea]

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Main Concept and Plan of my project: Living in History Versus Modern Day


My initial concept was to show the theme of ‘family’ and ‘community’ through the comparison of ‘history’ and the modern day. Using archival material, I plan to demonstrate a clear example of how family traditions change, within architecture, the work place, and within every day lifestyles. I also wish to display the privileges of living a lifestyle in the modern day compared to a lifestyle in war and the post-war era. This is all connected to my recent move to a new house.

Thoughts and Ideas 

  • I wish to dig deeper into the history of my house. Primarily using archival material which i extracted during my recent work internship at the Societe Jersiase.
  • The lifestyles of when it dated back
  • To interview and photograph previous owners, builders, landlords,
  • To discover the beauty around my house,
  • To show what my other family and friends think of the location, what the new build means to people,
  • The debuting controversy over the production of  a ‘block house’ on a old heritage site.

How can I show this? 

I believe I  can show this by producing various types of media. Voice Recording, Video, and Photography with various techniques such as montage and collage in Photoshop. I believe the manipulation of my images and the merging of old and new can subject the transition of time and passage, connecting to my family and the community around me. Another idea is use the technique of placing text on a photograph to show a distinct narrative. This is all in connection with the work of Wendy Ewald.



In  the style of Ewalds work, I could produce an image, adjust it, then allow the person i photographed to write on the image to signify the personality, community and familiarity of the subject, condoning an overall sense of transition and modern and new.

Modernism Versus Minimalism

Photographers and Research 

Martin Toft – Similar concept as he was comparing the history of one location to another. Martin in his project ‘Atlantus’ discovered the movement of ‘Jersey’ (Channel Islands) to ‘New Jersey’ (State, United States of America), and how it has evolved, compares and works with the background and history of being part of a place most people haven’t even come across.

“A visual an oral exchange of cultures, histories and identities”

Bryan worked as a herdsman in America making may trips to export cattle to New Jersey, to look after the cows in quarantine in Clifton and to prepare them for sale to American buyers. It was Bryan who accompanied Precious Galinthia amongst forty head of Jerseys to New Jersey onboard a K.L.M. DC 7F freight plane bound for New York in March 1964.
Bryan worked as a herdsman in America making may trips to export cattle to New Jersey, to look after the cows in quarantine in Clifton and to prepare them for sale to American buyers. It was Bryan who accompanied Precious Galinthia amongst forty head of Jerseys to New Jersey onboard a K.L.M. DC 7F freight plane bound for New York in March 1964.


Tamika Tolliver, Asbury Park, New Jersey, United States, 1 Augus



Time photography

The idea ‘chronophotography’  was invented by French physiologist Etienne-Jules in the 1880’s, Jules did this so he could make accurate physiological analyses of movements, this term was also later applied to a range of images that are in a sequence. These were used by scientists to help analyse how the human body worked while we moved. Scientists began to make single-place chronophotographs, where multiple image were taken on one plate which overlapped one another. In the late 1850’s the measurement of the duration of an electric spark was measured by Bernhard Feddersen. Multi-plate chronophotography was later used, this is where a full range of movements was recorded on a series of individual photographic plates, this was first invented by using a battery of separate cameras, this was first introduced by Eadweard Muybridge. Movements were later captured in the 19th century where it was found that chronophotography methods could be reproduced into an illusion of natural movement, for example in a zoetrope, a zoetrope is a ‘optical toy consisting of a cylinder with a series of pictures on the inner surface that, when viewed through slits with the cylinder rotating, giving an impression of continuous motion’.

The four main figures of choronophotography are Muybridge, Marey, Ottomar Anschutz, and Georges Demeny. 

Eadweard Muybridge took a series of chronophotography images of someone riding a horse, and Muybridge was the first person who found out that when a horse galloped that at one point when the horse is galloping, all of the horses hooves are off the floor at one time, so at one point the horse is completely off the floor. Muybridge’s images were mainly used for scientific basis, as Muybridge was a photographer, his works were used for scientific study. To make this image of the horse Muybridge lined a raceway with 15-foot sheeting, which lines were also drawn at 21-inch intervals. While the horse raced the 12 cameras took the images as the horse rushed past.  

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Image result for eadweard muybridge

Image result for eadweard muybridge

Muybridge inspired others such as Marey, he was interested in human and animal locomotion, and he was influenced to experiment using photography. Marey invented a gun camera which he used in the early 1880’s, this made exposures fast enough to record the bodily movements of a bird flying. 


Gatherings: IPES Photos

As part of my project for Gatherings, I thought I should get some photos of the workplace as it is where people gather daily, and as my Dad now works for IPES, I asked if I would be able to go and photograph the office after everyone had gone home and I was allowed to. I chose three images from those I took to put into the photo book, which is a high n umber since from most of the shoots I have done I have only selected one image, but I felt they were different enough to all be included.

IPES photos

I like that there are no people in these images because it leaves it for the person viewing the images to imagine what kind of people use these spaces and what they become when they are busy with the people working there.

I have also spoken to a friend who goes to church, and he is going to introduce me to the priest so I can inquire about taking photos during/after a mass, so I can start to incorporate religion into my photo book.