Shoot Planning

Shoot 1 | Planning and Ideas

For this first shoot I want to make some more images of my niece just so that I have more images of her that I would be able to use as a backup in case my focus of my personal study doesn’t go according to plan. I will make images whenever she comes round and on Christmas day. I want to carry on with the same style of shooting from her perspective and what she sees as a little baby. I also think that it will be a nice way to just document the day and spending time with family. As I am working for most of the holidays I will only really be able to make images of my niece on Christmas day and boxing day but I think that I will make enough images that are interesting and that I am able to add onto the images that I have already made of her previously. I have also got an idea of doing a tableau shoot with her and stage different photographs featuring my little niece but this might be quite difficult as she is only 1 years old and doesn’t much understand composition or how to be still. This will be fun and interesting to do.

Shoot 2 | Planning and Ideas

 For this shoot I will be taking inspiration from my Film Noir project and making night time tableaux images out on the streets of Jersey. Here I will get my subject to wear high heels with a trench coat stood near to a lamp post. This will be an interesting shoot to do and adds a sense of allure and mystery to my Film Noir images. I also want to make a few more femme fatale images and stage different women dressed as well known femme fatales and will edit them when I get back to add to my photo book. I also want to start thinking about making some extra images for my photo book of different elements of feminism and make some more documentary style images as well.

Shoot 3 | Planning and Ideas

For this shoot I will be making documentary style images of my family, more specifically my parents. I want to photograph them and show their roles in the house and how they differ. I think that this shoot will be successful as it is such a personal shoot to me and it really works well with my whole photo book idea. I want to make these images to show the almost old-fashioned ways of the older generations and show in a different way how even though they are stuck in their old ways that the newer generations are becoming a lot more equal in aspects of house work. I think that I might make some images of my sister and brother-in-law to show the differences and similarities in the way that they live with one another. I think that it is really only a more recent generation thing, my generation, that fully understands and takes on the idea that there should be an equal half and half scheme of cleaning and doing house chores. I think that these will be strong shoots and will reflect what my hypothesis is about and the way that I want to make a photo book incorporating real life documentary images along with staged images to add more of an effect on my spectators and so that they get the actual side of the story as well as the staged one.

Personal Study | What to do

personal study brainstorm
personal study ideas and brainstorm
cahun, sherman etc
inspiration mood board


  • Cindy Sherman
  • Claude Cahun
  • Barbara Kruger
  • Yoko Ono
  • David Goldblatt
  • Roy Lichtenstein [artist]

Extra ideas | Notes

  • possibly create a fashion magazine
  • create a photo book [make 250-500 photos] – either using blurb or possibly create a handmade one [do whatever is the most appropriate to you and what your own personal preference is]
  • defying gender norms and creating new ideals – relate to Claude Cahun
  • must do further research into topics to get best work
  • make a comparative essay based on photographers work that you enjoy – cross compare them and see their relevance to one another
  • start to make more images and relate all ideas together