Throughout this project of faith, family and community i have found it quite hard to produce images of my mum who i have being taking images of her for, i was taking these images of her mental health issues. I found this a hard thing to take images of as when my mum is upset it is quite difficult for me to try and interfere and take photographs of her, as i feel i am invading her privacy and she does not want me to take them of her. What i learned from this is that it is quite hard to photograph something which is so personal, to myself but also to my mum as it can become quite upsetting when questioning anxiety and panic attacks, as i think it is hard to capture something that someone is feeling on the inside. If i was to do this project again i think that i could improve my photos by taking images of things that my mum is afraid of, or gets anxious about, as i think this would be a good thing to look at, However i do think it is very difficult as it is a very personal matter. 

Personal Study

For my personal study I am going to move away from the focus of Government House and focus more on my family and my family’s achieve. When I am away next week, I want to capture images of my family in England as I have a lot more family over there and as my Nan is fallen very ill I want to capture some images of her especially for remembrance. I have a couple younger cousins and a couple my age so it’ll be nice to capture some images of them together. I have gotten inspiration from Sally Mann from her photography of her children. I personally love her style of photographing, as I want to capture some unique images using a black and white effect to make them look more dark and grungy. My younger cousin, Dylan, has white blonde curly hair which is quite wild, this will be interesting to play with as it could look really effective in the outcomes.

I will take pictures from our small road trip also because we’re going on the overnight boat and taking our car to drive up to Birmingham. This will be my sister’s last week with us before she goes travelling for 6-8 months, so I want to capture some nice images of her before she leaves. We’re driving up to the airport before we drive down to the ferry terminal so it will be an emotional journey as I am very close with my sister and don’t want to see her go. I also imagine my mum will be crying at the airport so I would like to take some images of that moment too. I am really hoping my images will portray both happy yet sad emotions throughout my picture story as that is my expected outcome and I find those stories the most effective.

Sally Mann photography.

Christmas half term

For my personal study I am going to continue on with my the project I am working on at the moment that links in with the theme of family about my mother’s worth ethic, because I find this project interesting and I still have more to develop. To do this I am going to visit another two different locations from the previous photo shoot.  I don’t have access to the care home my mum works at so I will photograph her working starting in the morning when shes getting ready and in her working environment at private houses, keeping to the same photographic style of keeping her face ‘hidden’, then at night when she comes back from work. I will also include pictures of both inside and outside of the house and any interesting objects. If I have the opportunity I will also photograph any one who my mum interacts with. If I have enough time I may also revisit some locations to take more photographs and hopefully improve and build upon on what I have already done in my previous photo shoots.

Milton Rogovin – A Woman’s Work

http://www.mitchellkphotos.com/work.html – MitchellKanashkevich

W. Eugene Smith – Country doctor/ Nurse Midwife

Lewis Hine 1920 – https://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/hine-photos/

Migrant mother

W. Eugene Smith – country doctor
Mitchell Kanashkevich
Lewis Hine 1920
xAROGOVINIG_10312579230.jpg.pagespeed.ic.1fpW4AQP1N (Custom)
Milton Rogovin – A woman’s work