Christmas Task: Germain vs. Toropstov

Task for Christmas Holidays on Tracking Sheet

Plan a photo-shoot and make a set of images that respond to your chosen pairing of artists and your essay.
a) Upload shoot, process and select best 3 images

b) Show experimentation with images using Lightroom/Photoshop appropriate to your intentions.

c) Evaluate and present images on the blog.

My Plan to this Response

In my essay I looked at the similarities and differences between the work of Michelle Sank and Yury Toropstov. After discussing with Mr. Toft about the context and  style of my project he advised me that the work of Michelle Sank would not be helpful or relevant to study further. He explained that because Michelle Sank is very direct and impersonal in her photographic style, my own project exploring the absense of my Granddad in my Grandma’s life does not reflect this distant style which Sank evokes. Instead he advised me to consider the work of Julipan Germain, filing the place of Sank. This change was recommended because Germain, in constrast to Sank, photographs from a much more personal and subjective approach. In the ‘Faith, Family and Community’ task I briefly explored Germain’s photographic book ‘For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness’. This study explores the life of an elderly man who lives alone having lost his wife. Immediately, I can detect similarities with the type of project I am doing.

I will therefore re-visit the work of Germain, completing research tasks and photographic responses in order to aid the basis of my ‘Personal Study’.

We both agreed that Yury’s work was however relevant to my theme because he photographs from an insider perspective, exploring retrospective themes with a historical basis. I have already looked at the work of Toropstov earlier on in the year, through his project  ‘Deleted Scene’ whereby he explores the theme of his father, who died when Yury was one. This will be the centre point for my study on Yury as it has direct relevance to my own project, a retrospective study of my Grandfather, who died over 30 years ago.

Then, during the Christmas Holidays I will make some new photographic responses whereby I consciously try to evoke the style of both Germain and Toropstov. This task will be a good context of which I can base and inspire responses for my upcoming ‘Personal Study’.

The task I have set myself will be a one-two week task and will be make the study of my essay relevant to my project. It will be a good theme to explore through the beginning of our new coursework project ‘Personal Study’. I will give me to incentive to continue making photographic responses, as well as being a good way to reflect and evaluate my pre-existing work.

These are the tasks I will complete.

  • Blog post on what I will do during personal study (continuation of existing project)
  • Artist Reference on Yury Toropstov and Julian Germain
  • Blog Post comparing Germain and Toropstov’s style (with specific examples)
  • Comparing my work with Germain and Toropstov
  • 2 – 3 photo shoots over Christmas holidays
  • Evaluate new responses in relation to Germain and Toropstov – 2 bog posts
  • Evaluation of overall project



Yury’s photographic style cannot be defined as formal photography nor can it be defined as vernacular photography. It encompasses a ‘grey-area’ of work which although formal in terms of composition, nevertheless incorporates a less fanatical approach to form and composition, as some of his images, although not perfect in terms of arrangement, re still visually strong because of the mood in which they express, done through Toropstov’s use of lighting and through expresses certain symbols/metaphors.

Yury’s style is relevant to the personal nature of my theme, and by incorporating his subjective nature into my own style I will hopefully be able to convey a strong body of emotionally charged work into my final photographic response at the end of the personal study project. Also, Yury’s work will be good to reflect on for a lot of non-portrait images, as I have noticed plays quite a big part to the nature of his work.

Yury also likes to make links to archival images which is of further relevance to the historical relevance which my project has.


Deleted Scene



The House of Baba Yaga



Although a vernacular photographer, Germain has a very formal and considered approach to this style. In contrast to the work of iconic vernacular photographer Richard Billingham, who takes extreme vernacular shots – acting on instinct and relying deliberately on accidents within the shot, Germain does not however and maintains complete control throughout, carefully composing and designing his photographs. Germain’s photographs are therefore a lot more subtle than the traditional vernacular style, and furthermore have a sense of order and structure to them.

A key aspects of Germain’s photographic style is his ability to tell stories through his images. For example in ‘For every minute of anger you loose sixty seconds of happiness’, Germain uses the symbolism of a flower to make a connection with the deceased wife of the main subject of the story. Germain’s use of such symbols and metaphors highlight his thoughtful and considered approach to storytelling.

This considered approach to vernacular photography is something which interests me and I will attempt to replicate this style as I continue to photograph for my ‘Personal Study’.


For every minute of anger you loose sixty seconds of happiness






The Face of the Century









I took these images at a wedding that i was at. I took these images as it was my Aunt that was getting married and this was a family and friends occasion which i thought tied into this project. I took some of these images of the bride and groom but also of the setting to show how beautiful the location was. I took some detailed images of the bridesmaids hair which i thought would work well in a picture story as a detailed shot. 

Bride and groom with ring boy and bridesmaid

I took this image which is of the family. This is a traditional family shoot that i took, however i think that it is good to have at least one or two traditional wedding images. This image was taken at the reception which was at The Radison and i think that this is a beautiful family portrait. 


For this photograph that i took of the bride, i took it from behind so that you can see the detail of the back of her dress, this is so it shows how beautiful it is. I think that the lighting in this image could be improved as the bride is in a shadow and there are streaks of light coming through the windows to the left of her. I think that this image shows the idea of family, as this is my Aunt on her wedding day interacting with all of her friends and family. IMG_8816

This is one of the images that i took in the night time of the wedding, i did not use the flash for this image as i liked how the lighting looked in this image. I think that the different blues, purples and pinks in the image make this image very ‘cool’ and unique. In this image the bride and groom and the bridesmaid who is their daughter having their first dance on the dance floor, i captured this family moment which i think this image is very warming. 

Personal study specification

Chance, change  and challenge 

At first when I was introduced to this project I found it hard to understand the concept and the meaning behind Tom Pope’s work as there was no explanation and most of his videos were in silent of him doing a repetitive performance. However after the day at the Societe where Tom explained what he was trying to achieve,I got a better understanding of the idea of pushing boundaries and his videos made more sense to me. I also liked that we were working with a photographer making our work more practical which is something we haven’t done before.  I found this project interesting because it was something I hadn’t given much thought to or questioned before. I also like the fact that we were working with the archive and got to explore Jersey’s history, before this I wasn’t aware of the archives existences.  I think it was  challenging to think outside the box however the more the more you think about it the easier it becomes. In France I was able to do most of the ideas that I had planned to do and I was pleased with the outcomes.

Family, faith and community 

At the beginning of this project when we were first introduced to documentary photography, I thought that it was a powerful form of communication. I enjoyed looking at ethics within documentary because I think it is a interesting and a subjective topic which allowed me to think deeper, although I didn’t find any right or wrong answers I was able to develop my opinion. I also like that we were able to draw on real life situations such as the Vietnam war which documentary had a big influence on, this also gave me a better understanding. I also learned about the sub genres within documentary such as photojournalism and street photography which is something I hadn’t done before.

At the beginning of this project we started looking at the theme of family. I enjoyed exploring this theme both taking photographs and researching other family photographers. I found that I connected with this theme more than the others although I think it’s more personal than the other two themes. When I first started photographing my family I felt that I was making them vulnerable and opening them up to be judged, however after a few photo shoots this ‘feeling’ faded. I started to explore the theme of community through research and a photo shoot however, I struggled with deciding what and who to photograph. Due to the lack of time I didn’t get to explore the theme of faith, which is something that I would have liked to do as most of my family is religious.

Overall I enjoyed this module and I am going to carry on with the theme of family for my personal study by photographing my mum in her working environment.