Two questions that i would like to find answers too when visiting the exhibition after reading the text are:
Q1: Why did you choose these photographers to be exhibited?
Q2: Did all of the photographers which you choose explain why they choose the other photographer to be placed alongside their images?

These are some of the images that were displayed at the Quintessence, i choose these images as i think that these were the best images that were displayed at this viewing. I think that these images, whether they were taken in Jersey, Channel Islands or in other places around the world, are interesting to see the different cultural changes in different locations. I think that at this exhibition it was interesting to look at what artist a photographer choose to place their work next to, and what photographer they choose made me think why did they choose that photographer? and was their any specific reason, for instance, did they choose that photographer for their work to be placed by because they inspired their work that they have done as a photographer, or was it because they enjoyed their piece of work that they had done, this is what i thought when i was at the exhibition. As these are the images that i liked at the Quintessence their were also images that i did not like, this was because i thought some of the images were a bit explicit and should not of been displayed at this exhibition, however as these images were taken by Tom Pope i think that, by his nature he was just trying to change the perception of what people think is acceptable to be displayed at an event like this, and for that i think that the images he choose were good images to be placed into the Quintessence.
When thinking of an essay question, things that need to be included are what are the connections, influences and relationships between your chosen pairing of photographers? Common themes, subject matter, form, visual language, aesthetics, methodologies can be looked at to gain a further understanding as to why the photograph choose the other artist to sit by their work but also others that were displayed in the show.
These are the two images that Tom pope choose of his own images from when he was working with the Jersey Archisle, but also the two images of Peter Finnemore that he choose.
Q – How has Peter Finnemore influenced the style and genre of Tom Pope’s photography?
Through researching Peter Finnemore and looking at his style of work, i think that their is a link with Tom Popes, as both work seems to display an idea of fun and play within their pieces of work. I think that both of the artists, Pope and Finnemore seem to have a wild imagination, where they add an aspect of what could be called ‘child’s play’ into their images. I think that through this you can directly see links between both artists which draw connections and show that Tom Pope has been inspired by Peter Finnemore.
Peter Finnemore’s images seem to be colorful, as of the ones that Pope has chosen of his images to display, i think that Pope choose these two images because he himself found these images very imaginative and liked them himself, but also because i think that Peter Finnemore’s work is one of the artists that inspired Pope to start taking his images. Both of these artists seem to have a similar style, in a way that they bring their humor into the images that they take, whether this is to make their audience laugh, or just for their own amusement. I noticed something which i found quite interesting in both pieces of the artists work, i think that both of these artists seem to take their images in their everyday life, of these that they are doing at the time, not many of the images seem like that have been staged, however a few are staged so that both photographers get the right image that they want. The image called ‘garden shoes’ which Pope chose of Finnemore’s to be displayed is a simple image, this image silently has an idea of fun and playfulness behind the image, i think this because the shoes are colourful and have paint splattered on the images. Within Finnemore’s photographers i think as some of Popes images are, there seems to be an idea of chance within the images, as some of the images would not just occur, the photographer has to be ready, for at any time an interesting idea for a photographer could occur from a location, this is known as a theory called psycho-geography, this is where a location can give a photographer an idea of a photograph to take.
It can be argued that Pope does not seem to be inspired by Finnemore because some of Finnemore’s images seem to be set up, whereas most of Pope’s images are because of being in the right place at the right time, for this reason i think that there are not direct links between the two artists. Also one of the images that Pope choose to display of Finnemore’s is called ‘Koan Exercises. 2004’ i think that this image shows how both of the artists work is not as similar as it is made out to be, this is because most of these images in this series do not include people, a few of the images in the series do, however i think that this shows how Finnemore prefers to not have people in his images, he likes for a location or a setting to describe what is happening in an image on its own.
Overall i think that it is clear that there are some direct links between Finnemore and Popes work which shows that Pope has been influenced by Finnemore in that they have a similar genre and style of photographs that they both choose to take, however it is also shown that both of the artists to not share all the same connections, because i would say that their style differs in how they choose to take their images, to a certain extent Finnemore takes his images using the theory of psycho-geography, however i think that most of his images are staged in comparison to Pope’s photography which is all to do with the theory of change. Furthermore it is clear that both artists challenge the perceptions of what people think is ‘normal’ to photograph and they do this through their quirky images that they both take.
Emily, some interesting comparison between Pope and Finnemore looking at the ideas of play, humour etc. However it lacks a critical perspective and you must research more abotu each artists work and try and include their voices or others who has commented about their work. Use direct quotes from sources which will inform and advance your own argument either for or against. Did you read Gareth’s text?