Note Taking from Quintessence Handout – Archisle


  • Launched by Societe Jersiaise Photographic Archive in 2011
  • Promote contemporary photography through ongoing programme of exhibitions, educations and commissions
  • Connecting past with present
    • Archives with contemporary photography



  • Starting a debate about how we represent our island through photography
    • Syvret suggests that ‘Islandness’ is not an open debate within Island life and community
  • Island culture = unique from continental views
  • Photographers on an island restricted in terms of context, audience and marketing
  • Project = first in Jersey of its kind: makes the people of Jersey question and embrace unique position of living on an island
  • ‘Archisle’ has potential to grow into worldwide project
    • Jersey host island games 2015: ‘inter-island lock in’ event organised – promoting the Archisle project to a wide audience who share in the concern of ‘Islandness’
  • International Photographer in Residence Programme: Establishing a relationship between local and international photographers


Pioneers of Photography in Jersey

Henry Mullins

  • English Photographer
  • Studio in Royal Square (1948-73)
  • Took over 9,000 portraits of islanders
    • Placed and identified in grid configurations based on social status
    • Interesting record of life in Jersey in Victorian times
    •  Use of photo archives as objective historical documentation

Mullins: Subject, Mr Aubin


Mullins: Subject, Mr Bertram


William Collie

  • Scottish Photographer
  • Experimented with proto-documentary methods
  • Creation of some of the earliest portraits of working class people in existence
  • Some of his images made it into 2007 exhibition of European Photography at Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York


Photography during Nazi Occupation

  • Nazi’s made every Islander be photographed:
    • Archive of 31,000 I.D. cards collected
  • Public Photography banned
    • Claude Cahun: Anti-Nazi activist
      • Photographed islanders as an act of resistance
    • Photographs taken during occupation
      • Explore views of rebellious counter-culture; form of resistance

Invaders: German soldiers with a 25-ton Char B tank used during the occupation of Jersey in the Second World War

Post War Photography

  • Recent photography is Jersey lacking specific focus and context. Archisle wants to change this
  • Jersey change over the course of century
    • 20th Century = farming
    • 21st Century = finance
  • Archisle – 125 Year Project in partnership with JEP
    • Selection of images from Jersey’s largest 20th Century Photographic Archive
    • Trying to promote the use of the archives in an interactive exhibition
    • Capturing Jersey’s progression from a first, second to third island

21 st Century Photography

  • Voice of the Jersey people is important
  • Jersey Archisle wants to promote the invention of specific archives looking into various aspects of Jersey life
    • Archisle Contemporary Photography Collection
    • JEP: form of contemporary photographic record. Hence its relationship with Jersey Archives
      • JEP = approximately 160,000 photos on-line in 11 categories




  • Identities of subjects and photographers absent in recent contemporary archives
  • Raising awareness of local photographers
  • Engage photographers with the culture of Jersey to create diverse an incisive visual archive


Link to the Official Archisle Website


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