These are the pictures I have decided to use for my picture story. I feel that these were the best images from the weekend and they best represent the whole weekend, with a range of different images.
Establishing shot of the camping conditions, which shows the ‘true scouting spiriti’ as scouts are thought of as always camping in tents etc.Environmental portrait showing the kind of weather, as well as the youth of the majority of the competitors. I feel this image really represents what it feels like to be sat there, preparing to shoot.This is a Person at work/establishing shot, except showing a group of people, rather than just one person, I really like this photo because it contrasts to a lot of the other images, which show mainly young people shooting, as these are all the adults and leaders, who also get given small opportunities to do some shooting as well. This image also the typical idea of gun culture. Grown men ‘playing around’ with guns, which although is a less common thing in England, and Jersey, is a very loud topic in places like America.A kind of Relationship shot showing the group from Jersey as Ii want to focus my story around Jersey scouts and experiences
Observed portrait, showing the groups, with the adults demonstrating how to use the guns, and the younger people watching and listening.
Person at work shot, again showing a young person shooting, although this is similar to the environmental portrait, they are also quite different and show different types of environments where the shooting takes place.This is one of the photos I am less likely to use, as its very similar to the observed portrait, although it shows some older people within the audience, and shows slightly more of the necks which represent scouting.This is another image which I am less likely to use, which is a fairly wide detail shot, but it shows the competition aspect of the weekend, and although we didn’t go to Bisley with the hopes of winning any of them, I still think it shows quite a big part of the weekend.