Final Picture-story

Final outcome- Picture- Story:

final small

This is my final design for my picture-story, I have experimented with different styles. However, I have found this particular idea to work the best for my theme of memories. I wanted the photographs to look as one in a sense, so they appear as a fuzzy thought. I also wanted the writing to tie in with the images as though they are speaking the memories. Furthermore, the style of writing I have chosen is a type writing font which in my opinion works really well with the photographs. I have put photographs on top of each other and copied particular images. I have used different filters so that the images have a more powerful effect. The only image I have kept the same is the photograph in the bottom right hand corner because it represents my grandfather’s focus on his family. He was very much a family man and spent most his life devoted to supporting his children and grandchildren. 

With regards to the text, I chose the particular font because of the olden style it had about it. I liked the idea of it being like a type writer because I wanted the picture-story to feel old and vintage therefore this worked perfectly. For the title I explored with a range of different ideas, I looked at quotes online about memories but found a great deal of them were very sad and focusing on losing someone. This isn’t the idea of my picture-story therefore I decided to go with a title I thought suited the entire piece. I added the ellipsis on at the end in order for the sentence to trail off like a thought, I didn’t want it to have an end. 

When photographing these images I kept the burnt and broken sides of the pictures in because it made it look more authentic. Especially the image which I have not used any effects on, the edges stand out and represent a old and vintage look. 

I think this picture-story is close to what I initially wanted to produce from this project. I think I needed to include more modern photographs, however, I struggled with the concept of photographing someone that was essentially invisible. I think for when I carry this project on into my personal study, I will be more creative and open to exploring ideas which perhaps are more difficult but will capture the concept of memories. 

picture story one

This is my second picture story design, it is extremely different from my first picture story. I wanted the second one to be more professional and clean cut, I also wanted to include important quotes from condolence letters which were personal to my family. Archival images were a major factor in my picture stories, I think this was an important element as I have hundreds of photographs from my grandfather’s life. I used Photo Shop in order to design this picture story, I had previously leveled the images as well as adjusting the brightness and contrast. I then began the design by playing around with a selection of images, adjusting the size and angle to fit with the other images. I also played around with where the photographs were placed and the writings. 

Picture stories – FINAL DESIGNS

These are my final designs for my picture story, I experimented with many designs but came out with these two templates. I wanted the story to have a rough feel to it as my story was based around a festival I thought the theme should try to match the presentation. I kept the same font throughout the stories and a similar color scheme with red text and a faded picture for a back layer presented in all 3 stories. wacky 3 (Medium)
The above story was the first I created, attempting a graphical layout I had to twist and turn the images as well as add in ones that were different sizes. Adding drop shadows to the images also made them stand out more and created a non flat look. with 2 main establishing shots and a few relationship and observing shots to create a picture story with 7 images all together.
Untitled-1 (Medium)The above picture story was the second I edited and when completed was my favorite also. This story is presented more as a double page spread, with no drop shadows or highly edited images. I increased the vibrancy in all of the images to bring out the colors. I felt this was a cleaner and less artsy layout due to the symmetry and images laid out all in line. My favorite part of this layout was the title text, as it was very bold and very different to usual titles I felt it fit well in this design. This design also had a background image, this image was a corrupted photograph from the broken camera and I felt it fit very well as a background as there is nothing important within the image apart from a few corrupted images and water marks.
wacky 2 (Medium)This design was the third and least favorite design, The same layout as design 1 but with different color schemes and effects. The text should have been changed to another color as i feel it blends too comfortably with the background. I feel this story looks more of a poster than a picture story, The story is far from what i set out to design when i started but was an experiment and directed me towards editing my other stories more as i could then see what they were missing eg: drop shadows.

Text for Picture Story

As i’m doing an article on scouting and the shooting competition we went to in October I thought I’d make up the kind of article we usually hear about when things happen in scouting. All quotes have been made up and whilst it may not be a proper article and is a little bit gibberish, it helps to make my picture stories look professional. I have written it as if it was a reporter writing it, rather than myself as I found that a lot easier to do. I will be making a Newspaper spread and a magazine spread so that I can experiment with both styles.

For the title of my piece, a couple people suggested I call it ‘Shooting the Scouts’ as its a bit funny, and also has two meanings, the first with the fact that its a shooting competition with the scouts, and the second,obviously not actually shooting scouts with a gun, but instead with my camera.

Shooting the Scouts

Scouting is a big part of Jersey life, especially with young people of the island. Trips away to do activities in foreign countries are memories that always stick in those young people minds.

Thats why the Jersey Explorer Scouts try to go on as many trips as they can, having had a group of young people come back from the

back from the World Scout Jamboreee in Japan in August, they took a group of 9 young people to a Scout Shooting competition in England.

“We think it’s very important for the young people within our organisation to get the best experiences they can” says Greg Ruellen, the leader who was in charge of these young people. “These experiences are crucial for young people as it allows them to become more independent and see life outside of Jersey”.The Jersey Scout Assosiation don’t currently have a shooting group, so in comparison to some of the cometitors, scouts who are part of a group who practice shooting on a regular basis, the Explorer scouts representing Jersey, most of whom have only practiced shooting once or twice, were very under-experienced  in comparison. Not that this bothered them in the slightest.

“None of us go with the aim to win anything, we have a Jersey trophy, which we give at the airport when we get back, for whoever did the best out of us, but we mainly just go because it’s a fun, social weekend, and we get to meet other scouts, explorers and leaders from other places, which is a big part of what scouting really is.” says Sammie Pitter (17), one of the Explorer  scouts who went to the shooting competition.

It’s clear to see that these experiences help to give these young people a sense of maturity and responsibility, and they also help to give the parents of these young people a weekend to themselves.

The Explorers also have some other exciting experiences for their young people in the future, with a trip to Italy next summer, and the hope of a trip to hike Kilimanjaro in 2017, these young people have a lot to look forward to, and a lot of great memories they’ll come out with at the end of it all. Not to mention the life long friends they’ll have made in the process. “We couldn’t do it without all the effort our leaders put it, and it so we feel its really important to thank them for everything”.

Picture Stories:

picture story one

This is my second picture story design, I have used both archival images that I have collected from my mother’s albums and created new photographs from personal items such as condolence letters, newspaper prints and albums. Furthermore, I scanned images such as my grandfather’s passport because I thought this was an extremely interesting personal item. It held his identity and was a crucial belonging he carried around with him his whole life, therefore it had historical meaning and heritage. I included the main title ‘Three Chapters’ as well as the subtitle ‘Ten years have passed but it still feels like yesterday.’ Moreover, I included a quote from a close family friend that they wrote in a condolence card. I wanted this picture story to be clean and professional which reflected the main idea of project.