Photo-shop: creating a picture-story

The stages of creating my picture-story:

Firstly, I opened a new page of photo-shop, which needed to be size A3 and was international paper. Next, I selected the archival images I wanted to use and adjusted them so that I could see which designs looked best. I wanted to have a combination of black and white images as well as coloured images too. I decided my establishing shot to be the only photograph I have of my grandfather on his own because I found it fitting for it to be the main image which an audience looks at first. 



After experimenting with the more traditional style of picture-story, I decided I wanted to take a more contemporary modern approach. I think the theme of my project being memories means the design needs to reflect it in order for it to work well. I took inspiration from one of the magazine spreads I found on the internet. I thought it was very imaginative and creative which is what I want my picture-story to portray. I overlayed the images of my grandfather because I have so many memories of him and he has lots of different aspects of him which I want to show in my study. This will be the establishing shot and the title will go in the top right corner so that they correspond. I think I want to experiment with having snap shots of family moments down the right side. But I will also produce a second versions of this picture-story however, instead I want to put more focus on the photographs I have taken now. I want the flower image to be the background which I will use the opacity tool to change the intensity. 


picture story photo

Inspiration: These are some examples of picture-stories I found on the internet. They are magazine spreads and are very contemporary which is the style I want to experiment with. My favourite is the second one, I like the theme of it and the way it has been designed. It goes very well with the theme of memories and the past. Plus it has writing on the right and the photograph on the left of the page which is what I wanted. 



One thought on “Photo-shop: creating a picture-story”

  1. For this to work with archive images you need to work in layers and montage techniques. Graphics, text and font will be impotant too. Have you made any new photographs?

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