W.Eugene Smith

“I think the photographer should have some reason or purpose. I would hate to risk my life to take another bloody picture for the Daily News, but if it might change man’s mind against war, then I feel that it would be worth my life.” – Eugene Smith

William Eugene Smith is an American photojournalist, known as a humanitarian photographer. His devotion to projects on a professional and a standard ethics level came with the purpose of creating a profound response from his viewers . He developed the photo essay but, began his career by photographing for two local newspapers. His most famous projects include photographs of World War II, the city of Pittsburgh and of Dr Schweitzer in French Equatorial Africa.

Country doctor

Eugene Smith spent around one month in Kremmling, CO in 1948, documenting Dr. Ernest Ceriani’s daily life, which was double the amount of time he was commissioned for.  This is shown in how personal the photographs are. His photographs for this project were then published in Life Magazine on the 20th September 1948 along with his famous essays.  Eugene choose to photograph Dr Ceriani over several other candidates due to his appearance and because he was married with 2 children.  Eugene photographed the Dr’s  work life and personal with his wife and children as well as his patients and surroundings for example he photographed the aerial view of Kremmling and the outside of the hospital where the doctor worked this gives us a bigger perceptive and understanding of what is going on which allows us to visualize what hasn’t been photographed.  His work is done in a documentary style therefore the photographs are of him ‘ bare witnessing’ which make them more relate-able and credible. I think that his photographs are interesting and very personal which capture’s the viewers attention.

Eugene’s work is similar to the work that I am going to do with my mum because I will be photographing her in a documentary style , I will be doing this over a few weeks which I hope will also capture the personal element to the photographs.  I will also be photographing my mum like Eugene did both at home and and work which will show the difference between the two. I think Eugene’s photographs are of high quality which is something I really like about them as well.  In his photo essay’s he uses quite a traditional layout with a variety of observed portraits , environmental shots and establishing shots. Although he doesn’t use any detail shots. He also uses large titles which gives the viewer a snapshot of the story and makes them curious as to what else is in the story. I think the layout flows well and you’re able to understand the story line without reading the information.

“through weeds growing rank in an unkempt dooryard, Dr Ernest certain of Kremling makes his way to call on a patient”
“The hospital”

One thought on “W.Eugene Smith”

  1. Choose at least one key image and analyse in more depth using model of description, interpretation, evaluation and theory/context. Talk about style, subject-matter and how he communicates his story. What types of images does he include in his layout, e..g environmental, formal and observed portrait, detail shot, relationship shot, landscape/ interior etc. How is captions used in adding another layer to his story. Look at the layout of the original magazine layout, minor/major images, juxtaposition etc.

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