What is community?

What is community?

The definition of a community is a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common. I think this explanation is some what vague, in my opinion a community is also a sense of togetherness, it is a support network. When looking at the theme of community it is important to point out community can be approached as a value. It brings together several elements for example, trust, commitment and mutuality. Socialists for example William Morris tend to relate the term community to fellowship. ‘Fellowship is heaven, and lack of fellowship is hell.’ I think when considering the theme of community it is vital to focus on the reliance people feel or the need of community that is lacked in certain societies. To begin I shall research the idea of place, geographical elements may form territorial or place community. Secondly, the idea of interest communities is when individuals share a similar characteristic. They can be linked together by religious belief, ethnic origin, occupation, interests or sexual orientation.


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