
The second theme from ‘Family, Faith and Community’ that I decided to look into was Community. I decided to make a mind map displaying my thoughts about this theme.

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My first idea for a photoshoot in response to the theme of community is the idea of everyday life of a teenager. I think this is attractive to me because I am around teenagers everyday and I am very familiar of what they get up too. I usually don’t think anything of these activities however I think they will be interesting to photograph and to compare to the life of an adult. And also compare to the experiences and the activities adults had when they were teens. I would also be interested to investigate the social trends of a friendship group. I find that most friendship groups have similar fashion, hobbies, humour ext. I wish to photograph these trends and present them as my response to community.

My second idea for a community photography shoot is to photograph a community event. I can photograph the activities going on, and try to capture the mood of the people around.

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