Ray’s a Laugh – Responses to Images

rays a laugh

This photo of Ray I find to be very saddening. It captures Ray drunk, completely unaware of his surroundings. In many ways this image is quite repulsive. It shows Ray asleep in a disgusting, unsanitary looking toilet, an image which shows Ray clearly in a bad way. This image is designed to unsettle the reader and make them consider Ray’s desperate situation, inviting them the reflect on the theme of alcoholism. Ray’s alcoholism in this image is shown as in no way glamorous. The chaotic composition of this image reflects the complexity of Ray’s situation.

Richard Billingham: '<b>Ray's A Laugh</b>'

Billingham stated that when living in the council flat, Ray hardly ever left the house, nor was able to distinguish night from day. This photo of Ray shows him asleep with the glaring sunlight implying that it is daytime. Again, this is a saddening image because it explores the sense of isolation experienced by Ray, cut of from the outside world. I find the shadows in this image to be interesting, because they reflect how Ray has cut himself of through the outside world, hidden in shadows. At the same time, this image is to some way comical because it reveals quite how peculiar Ray’s existence is, showing how he is quite care-free despite his situation.

This image directly explores Ray’s alcoholism. Ray is completely focused  on his drink. Billingham frames the image so that the act of Ray picking up his drink is the only focus of the image. The simplicity of this image is key because it symbolises the simplicity of Ray’s mindset, his desire get his fix for a drink. I find this to be a very bold image that address Ray’s problem directly without over-emphasising the meaning. This is a subtle photograph that makes the reader reflect. It is simple and not over-dramatic.


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