Philosophy of photography

Philosophy of photography

A subject characterised by its contemporary and fast adapting nature, one might suggest that boundaries and limitations cannot be placed on such a diverse and abstract form of art. The issue of truth is continually confronted in the photographic world due to ever-changing ethics which cannot be defined. We are struck by supposedly powerful images which are ‘meant to bring the world’s attention to a certain point’, however, is an image really this instrumental? Are photographers able to capture a single moment which will affect the lives of innocent people and further more are they responsible for their art creation? Are they morally wrong for subjecting the horrors of war, disasters and tragedies to governments, leaders and the public? The ethics surrounding photography are fuzzy and difficult to depict. Ultimately an unfinished document which needs to be immediately addressed.

The Image


One thought on “Philosophy of photography”

  1. I like this, more please! Choose an image and apply your philosophical questioning. Later on I will introduce to more philosophy on photography

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