Over the past time of working with the project Chance, Challenge and Change i think that it has been interesting to find out different ways of seeing how photographs to be taken, as before starting this project i would of never said that a video could be classed as a photography, but seeing as each frame/second of the video is a photo, i think that it can be classed as photography. I think that when learning about the idea of performance photography it is interesting to see how artists like Tom Pope chooses to take his images, using the idea of change, challenge and change but also with theories such as Psychogeography, and i think this makes you think about it when you are taking photographs. When going through this project i found it quite hard to relate to it and to become interested in it, as i think that some of the performance videos/photos are a bit boring and pointless. However i can see how some people would find it fun and enjoyable to play with different aspects of performance when making photography. I think that if i was to do this project again i would try and be more engaged in taking photographs and try make more of an effort to see what aspects of performance photography i would like.