Overall, I don’t think that I have produced enough work which is why I am going to carry on working on this project for a while over summer. I just don’t think that I have done enough of my own work other than the day trip to St Malo, a few experimentation’s inspired by other photographers and one of my own shoots. This week I am going to carry on working on my Invisibility Cloak project to try and produce some more good work as I like the idea behind it and think that there is plenty of room for a lot more development. I want to develop this over the summer as well as get started on some research and planning [and shoots] for the next term of documentary photography which I think will be very interesting. I’m not sure how well I will do on this but I will obviously try my best and get to work over the summer period.
I don’t yet have a favourite final outcome from my individual shoot of Invisibility Cloak as I have quite a few and I still want to create more during summer. I have decided on some final outcomes but I don’t actually prefer any over the other as I think they are all basically on the same level and get my message across. I do however like the stranger ones as it makes the spectator think and wonder what is actually going on in the photograph. Below are four of the images taken from my Invisibility Cloak shoot.
Over the summer I will be working on a new location at the beach and I think I want to develop some experiments on John Baldessari with beach shots, having a load of people on the beach but everyone of them being anonymous with the different coloured dots in front of their faces as well as it being in black and white.