Overall, I don’t think that I have produced enough work which is why I am going to carry on working on this project for a while over summer. I just don’t think that I have done enough of my own work other than the day trip to St Malo, a few experimentation’s inspired by other photographers and one of my own shoots. This week I am going to carry on working on my Invisibility Cloak project to try and produce some more good work as I like the idea behind it and think that there is plenty of room for a lot more development. I want to develop this over the summer as well as get started on some research and planning [and shoots] for the next term of documentary photography which I think will be very interesting. I’m not sure how well I will do on this but I will obviously try my best and get to work over the summer period.
I don’t yet have a favourite final outcome from my individual shoot of Invisibility Cloak as I have quite a few and I still want to create more during summer. I have decided on some final outcomes but I don’t actually prefer any over the other as I think they are all basically on the same level and get my message across. I do however like the stranger ones as it makes the spectator think and wonder what is actually going on in the photograph. Below are four of the images taken from my Invisibility Cloak shoot.
Over the summer I will be working on a new location at the beach and I think I want to develop some experiments on John Baldessari with beach shots, having a load of people on the beach but everyone of them being anonymous with the different coloured dots in front of their faces as well as it being in black and white.
On Friday 10th July Tom and Gareth came into school and for most of the day we created and presented our ideas and final outcomes to them. We got ourselves into groups and I went with Robyn, Tania, Sophie and Jamie. We were happy to go up and present first during the second hour of the day, which we think went quite well and it wasn’t as bad as we had thought it would be. Our presentation was in two halves, one being the artists and the concept of performance photography and the other being our experimentation and final outcomes. We were able to exhibit a variety of our work and it was very interesting to see them next to one another and be able to compare and contrast the different perspectives we each got on the St. Malo day.
When we received our feedback forms we got a lot of positive response and we did fairly well even though we didn’t add everything that we have actually done. This was fun to do and interesting to find out what other people thought of our work as a group. We got a lot of good feedback saying that our ideas and work was well developed which was good for us to see as well as being able to see what we can improve on and change. I did think that maybe this way of testing could have been more effective in the way it was done as we have each done our own individual work and not completely worked together for the entire thing, especially when it came to doing the research. I liked this task and thought that everyone worked really well and all the presentations were well laid out and presented.
slides from group projectslides from group project
At first when I was introduced to this project I found it hard to understand the concept and the meaning behind Tom Pope’s work as there was no explanation and most of his videos were in silent of him doing a repetitive performance. However after the day at the Societe where Tom explained what he was trying to achieve,I got a better understanding of the idea of pushing boundries and his videos made more sense to me. I found this project interesting because it was something I hadn’t given much thought to or questioned before. I like that through photography you can uncover different topics and we were able to ‘dig’ into the past and the history of Jersey through the archive. I think it was challenging to think outside the box and think of ideas which would challenge society but at the same time be legal however the more the more you think about it the easier it becomes. In France I was able to do most of the ideas that I had planned to do and I was pleased with the outcomes, to improve my project I think I needed to think of more ideas where we could engage with the public a bit more and take more photographs.
As one of my experimentations I have made an 8 minute video whereby I follow my family around with a video camera. My attempt is to be as intrusive and as socially awkward as possible. This did not make the final selection of outcomes but nevertheless I am proud of the way that the video has turned out. The film follows the theme of subversion, my role as a subversive individual trying to create trouble in a peaceful, quiet setting.