On this trip we went to ST Malo with Tom Pope, we got split into groups and went off to take our own ‘performance’ photographs. This is where we had planned for around 3 different shoots which we were going to take while we were in St Malo.

Here we could also use  the concept of psycho-geography and we could use the environment to inspire us, for this we walked around until we found something that gave us an idea. As we walked through and opening me and my group saw the carousel which was not turned on. So for this performance idea we went onto the carousel and spun the teacups on it and took videos of each other while spinning around.

st malo-2

For this image i took a photograph of a man blowing some bubbles, i think that i could of improved this image by changing the composition and showing other people in this image, to get the ‘audiences’ reaction. However, i think that by just showing this man in this image makes it interesting as the man is performing for the camera and blowing the bubbles.


For one of my shoots there was a man and his two dogs and two people from my group placed themselves next to the dogs and tried to reenact what the dogs were doing; which at this point was just lying down. st malo-1 st malo-3 st malo-4

I think that these images are interesting  because of the man in this image, by having the man in this image you get his response to what the two girls are doing, and he looks very concerned. We noticed that whenever you ‘performed’ in front of the camera it would attract people to look over and see what you were doing as they were very interested.


For this shoot two of the girls went and sat down next to a man and copied his facial expression and his posture. As the man spoke french and did not really understand what they were saying he thought it was funny. st malo-5 st malo-6 st malo-7

For these images i tried to take some varied focal lengths when i was taking them, but i think that i should of changed the angles to make the images more interesting and get a more straight on view of them coping what the man was doing.


For this shoot we were with Tom Pope and we carried around one of the girls through the town and she would have to direct us where to take her. st malo-98 st malo-99

I think that the top image is interesting because you have the people far away watching as if they are the ‘audience’ in this performance and they  were watching to see what was happening. From being on this shoot we walked past a fancy dress shop where we saw some costumes which the group where inspired by and started having a sword fight with each other.

st malo-100 st malo-101 st malo-102After we took these photographs the man and his son came out of the shop and told them to stop playing with the swords, i think it would of been good if i had videoed this and then got the man coming out which would of made a good video.

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