Tom Pope


I found this image on Tom Pope’s website and it was captioned ” 12 revolutions 12 estimated minutes 12 liters of gloss black paint” it interested me because I think it has a deeper meaning to it. This photograph was taken during a performance which seems to have been pre planned due to it being in an enclosed space which doesn’t look pubic. I think the photograph shows Tom using up liters of black paint by painting a circle over and over again for 12 minutes. Tom likes the use of repetition in his work and audience participation even if it’s just observation which we can see in this photograph. The fact that Tom’s back is facing the camera and the performance isn’t being done in an area which is appealing to the eye re- enforces the idea that Tom’s work is about the performance rather than the photo itself. After thinking about why Tom chose to paint a circle it occurred to me that clocks have 12 numbers on them which would fit in with his pattern of 12. The definition of revolution is ” a forcible up throw of a government or social order in favor of a new system”.  However when I googled the 12 revolutions nothing came up. In my interpenetration of the photograph circles usually represent a continuous cycle usually in the 12 hours a day reinforced by the repetition of going over the circle again and again and revolution being a key to breaking this cycle.

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