Analysing Dynamo’s Performance: Walking on Water

In this performance, Dynamo is filmed walking down the steps of the river Thames, and without trying to direct any attention to himself, begins to walk on water. This performance by Dynamo is a good example of surrealism in Dynamo’s artistic mindset. The idea of walking on water, as claimed Jesus did in the bible is seen as a legendary symbolization related to achieving a miraculous feat, something considered to be physically impossible. The way in which Dynamo casually walks on the water as it was no big deal, is connected to Dadism in art because there is a sense that, despite being as impressive as it is, there is no real meaning or point to it. Dynamo, in this example is taking this concept to the extreme by relating it to such an unusual and extraordinary situation. Dynamo is also in this performance, using the influence of subversion. This is because he is creating an extraordinary illusion, which questions human rationality and social boundaries. On a deeper level, this means that Dynamo is pushing the audience to question there own view of reality and social expectations.

The reaction of the crowd in this piece is very interesting, there is a mixture of responses, ranging from shock, denial, awe, fascination and wonder. Regardless of the type of reaction, the fact that such and event has caused a conscious reaction from an audience is testament to Dynamo’s ability to stop people in their tracks, forced to  process the outstanding nature of his masterful illusions. Literally speaking, Dynamo by stepping on the Thames had broken the trespassing law. When the police boat comes to detain him, a sense of comedy is created through the ridiculous situation of a policeman arresting a man for breaking the law, seemingly unaffected by  fact that a man is walking on water!  This, somewhat intended by Dynamo, is a direct challenge and protest against society, because through is majestic achievement which is representative of possibility and hope, Dynamo has subsequently characterized himself as a champion of the people, who is being brutally suppressed by the limitations of authority.

This piece has inspired me to in the direction my own performances to be more expressive and try to create situations which are out of the ordinary, instead of something which is relatively average and excepted. The influence of surrealism, had made me interested to study the aesthetic nature of my pieces. It is all good and well having a concept, and deeper dead, but these concepts will never be properly expressed or have an effect on the audience, if they are not visually poweful.

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