On this day we went to Societe Jersiaise were we were introduced to Gareth Syvret who took us through some images in the Jersey Archisle, through this we looked at how portraits of childhood had changed from the 1840’s to 2010’s that had been placed into the Archisle. I think that it was interesting overtime how the portraits changed overtime and how photographers change their styles of how they take their images. The  purpose of having an Archisle  is to save photographs and make history  and to keep history so that in years time we can look back at the images. You can also gain a lot of knowledge from looking at the Archisle, which Gareth said ‘having knowledge is power’. The Archisle is important as it is there for everyone to look and and is used as a source for people to use as research, and to inspire them in their own work to make further images, which could possible go into the Archisle.

Other historical and contemporary photographs who have worked in Jersey with the Archisle are Michelle Sank, Yury Toroptsoe.

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Foot, Francis



On this day we also met Tom Pope and we went out to take some performance photographs with him. For these images we went out into an open space and someone would throw an image and you would have to catch it and try to take a photograph at the same time as trying to catch the orange. This was an interesting exercise to  introduce us into the idea of performance photography as you are performing and act to take the photograph. The idea was that you had to try and get the orange as close to the camera lens as possible. Before we took these images we changed our camera settings so that the camera was on manual focus and we focused the camera on the orange close up, so then when the orange was in the air and you were trying to catch it, the orange would be in focus.


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