St Malo Photo’s

During the St Malo trip my small group completed a number of activities that we photographed and filmed. These photo’s are very happy photo’s that include a lot of energy and are a good representative of our activities from the day.

Here is a contact sheet contacting the photo’s I took from the day. The majority of these photo’s are from the afternoon session which we spent on the beach. On the beach we met two boy’s who had set up a tightrope, I asked if i could take some photo’s of what they were doing and them performing some tricks. I also had a go on the rope myself- which fits in with the theme of ‘Chance, change & Challenge’. We also played a big game of bulldog on the beach with some American people we met, whilst playing this game I also took photo’s   throughout the game.

The rest of the photo’s are from around the street’s of St Malo and photo’s captured during our experiments.

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