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Tom Pope is a performance photographer that lives and works in London and he produces guess work as he never know what hes taking as he uses old fashioned cameras and or uses tripods with a trigger release cable which he won’t know the outcome until after he performs. What I like about Tom pope is that his work is very spontaneous and even though his pictures aren’t perfect, they still tell a story. I do find some of his work a bit bland, as in some of his videos don’t interest me but then again some of his videos are very clever and creative and I like how he thinks outside the box and is more unique compared to other photographers. The reason Tom produces more videos rather than photographs is because he feels like you can’t capture a whole performance in one photograph.

Tom Pope Mood Board

On our French Trip in June, he was very helpful in developing our ideas and helping us try something new, he isn’t scared to try something different and get negative reactions from it, he seems to enjoy bouncing off the negatives and make them into positives in his films and photographs. I was defiantly inspired by his work and was happy to have him help me in my development as a photographer. His work reflects his personality which is quite difficult to portray, but that is my new aim, to make my work unique and I want my work to reflect my personality and aspirations. I want my photographs to have public in them because usually I would just do one or two people and i would direct them a lot more, but for my videos I want them to be more spontaneous.

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