Tom Pope Research

Top Pope Images
A collection of Pope’s images captured between 2005-2011

Tom Pope Biography


Orange shoot
The results regarding the ‘Chancing Orange’ Shoot with Tom Pope – Societe Jersiaise June 2015


With regard to Tom Pope,  our development of the key themes came down to various statements: repeating an action over and over again to benefit the chances of capturing the performance which becomes influenced  / held within the margins of challenge and how you can change the chance by altering the subjects performance.

Tom’s influence comes down purely by walking through a threshold of chance and change. His approach to walking through a public arena or audience gives sense of a performance but not of that being successful, its always down to chance regardless of environmental, physical or social factors. I fell when approaching this challenge, this ideal of chance stayed in my mind. I questioned myself on how to make this shoot more successful, and doing so I changed the way I angled my camera and positioned myself in a more beneficial and approachable position. The more I did this with more control, the more effective the photograph turned out to be.



Orange bestOrange bestIn this image above, Molly was positioned around 5 meters from where i was standing. She threw the orange towards my camera and I did vise versa. This photo was among the most successful, as using a manual blur helped contribute towards the main focus of the image, in this case, the orange. This also helped as during the editing processes in Photoshop, we were able to not insert a Gaussian Blur or any artificial focusing tools because this feature was so effective.



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