Dérive (drifting)

Dérive is an unplanned journey through an urban landscape which is led by the colours and architecture, with the aim of experiencing something different. It was made by a French situationist called Guy Debord in 1958. Dérive is closely linked to psycogeography which means exploring the urban environment being led by curiosity and allowing your senses to ‘discover’ the landscape.  I think that Dérive is also linked to our project theme chance because of the uncertainty that may not find a new interesting landscape.

Situationist theorist Guy Debord defines the dérive as “a mode of experimental behavior linked to the conditions of urban society: a technique of rapid passage through varied ambiances.” He also notes that “the term also designates a specific uninterrupted period of dériving.”

During our photography trip to St. Malo, we took some time to ‘derive’ we walked around St. Malo without a destination, we walked through the main urban area and ended near the beach taking photographs along the way and doing small activities which link in with Tom’s idea of pushing the boundaries of what is and isn’t accepted in society for example we climbed some tree trunks which were placed along the beach and seen as a tourist attraction because this isn’t seen as ‘normal’ behaviour in public. Overall I think that Dérive is a good and fun way of exploring new environments which I think could be more effective than actually planning places to visit.

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