NEA / Coursework


You can find the A2 student booklet below which will give you more details about all of the A2 set briefs, but we have now started work on SET BRIEF 4 which is as follows:

1. Create a three minute music video to promote a musical artist/band. The artist/band has record company backing and already has a strong social media following. The video aims to raise the profile of the artist/band and help appeal to a mainstream audience. You may select the genre of music. The video should feature the artist/band and use media language choices that both reflect the codes and conventions of the musical genre and act to construct a clear brand identity for the artist/band. The video is being released as part of the promotion of the artist/band’s forthcoming UK tour. The artist/band has a sponsorship deal with a headphone manufacturer and their product should be featured in the video in some way

Minimum Requirements:

  • At least two / three filming locations
  • A range of camera shots, angles and movement, to establish the locations and representations
  • Appropriate framing of shots
  • Appropriate choices of imagery to create meaning
  • Editing of the footage for meaning, including continuity and/or visual effect
  • Use of appropriate lighting and mise-en-scène.

2. You should create four pages from a music
. The magazine targets a mainstream music audience. Specifically you need to produce:

  • a front cover featuring the artist/band promoted in task one (the music video)
  • a two-page interview with the artist/band
  • a single page advert for the artist/band’s tour.

The front cover and interview can use some images from the same photoshoot but other original images that offer some visual variety should also be used. The interview should be used to promote the tour and the music video. It should also reinforce the brand image of the artist/band and integrate some reference to the headphone manufacturers who are sponsoring the band/artist.

Minimum Requirements:

Front cover

Title and masthead

  • Selling line
  • Cover price
  • Dateline
  • Main cover image and at least two further smaller images related to the content of the magazine
  • •At least five cover lines.

Internal pages

  • Content that is appropriate to the conventions of the genre of magazine being created
  • Original copy (at least 400 words)
  • Each page to use original images as illustrations
  • Internal pages should reflect the design codes and conventions of the genre of magazine being created.

All pages

  • A clear house style should be used in the presentation of all pages
  • A minimum of seven original images should be included in the submission
  • All copy should be original and a minimum of 400 words should be submitted
  • Work should be presented on pages that are an appropriate size or in proportion to the size of paper used by magazines.