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Magazine sketch

Character in the middle holding a gun which then becomes the ‘T’ of ‘GAMING CENTRAL’, magazine for all platforms (pc, ps, and Xbox), main background is mountains helicopter showing features of a game featured in the magazine. On the left – limited edition Dead by daylight exclusive with page reference.

Induction task sketch

Magazine title/masthead; PLAYER1
For my magazine sketch, I have started drawing out my summer task cover however I have added more text on the front. I am also going to try and include another image so there is more to focus on.
Ideal consumer; mostly males – as the magazine includes features that refer to the 80s, the audience would be targeted at males that experienced 80s video games. As these consumers are older, their income may be higher than a child’s/teenager’s therefore advertising higher priced products in the magazine can be included.

Magazine Cover

I haven’t managed to add much to my cover yet but I think I want to do some sort of theme around a city. This was inspired by a PC Gaming magazine cover with Spider-Man on the front. I’d also like to add a main human figure on the cover and maybe make them half civilian, half monster/superhero.

Ideal Consumer
I am targeting this magazine to young children (7-11) who are interested in magazines about superheroes. No gory stuff or brutal fighting because young children shouldn’t be exposed to that kind of behavior because it gives a bad influence. This magazine will be more focused on the good people in stories. They can be boy or girl and do not have to have a huge budget as I think it should be available to anyone, no matter what their income.

Front cover sketch:

I have decided to sketch my front cover lightly so that I can add more details as I go and add the necessary changes. I also used a very similar layout to my induction task front cover as I am want to use a similar style and colors that are bold and eye-catching, like blues and reds. The heading needs to be obvious without detracting attention from the main image.

My ideal consumer would probably be a young to middle-aged adult. This is because there is a photograph of a child on the front of the cover; which then may prompt a parent to apply the cover article to their own child. Also, young-adults may also be intrigued because of the sleek style of magazine and the other possible articles within.