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fist plan for NEA

  • masthead at top – date under the title – 4 plugs down the right side – image of game character on the left – bar-code in top right and price – headline across the page
  • ideal consumer; teenage (13-19) – male – English – football fan – gamer – lives in the UK.

NEA first draft

I have done a basic design for my magazine I will add a character from a game as my center which I will re create it in 8bit art. And use persuasive text to promote the magazine, i will use more pictures to see what can be found inside.
Ideal consumer- 14-15 year old boy, interest in gaming, lives in uk, no income but parents with middle-high income, currently being educated.

First Draft For Coursework

Statement of intent: I intend to make a gamer guide for beginners and include various games as people today are often in need of guides however they often cease to exist. I intend to have relative information in my magazine as it needs to be up to date, informative and some what interesting. People who want to get better at the games I include in this coursework will be able to read some helpful tips and just read if they want to.

Ideal consumer?: The ideal consumer for my product would be teenagers from about 15+ as the majority of people that play video games are teenagers as that’s around the age when people get into gaming. Most people will want some tips in order to improve with their gameplay.

Print Language

  • Image
  • Photograph
  • Caption
  • Illustration
  • Logo
  • Crop
  • Depth of field
  • Perspective
  • Shutter speed
  • Colour
  • Contrast
  • Texture
  • Setting
  • NVC
  • Text
  • Font type
  • Font size
  • Serif/ sans serif- with/ without
  • Colour
  • Italic/bold
  • Underline
  • Title banner
  • Heading
  • Subheading
  • Leading line
  • Tag-line
  • By line
  • Structuring/ sequencing
  • Institutional information
  • Adverts
  • Layout
  • Rule of 1/ 3rds
  • Blank/white space
  • Size
  • Position
  • Orphans
  • Widows
  • Gutters/borders
  • Juxtaposition
  • Hard lines
  • Graphic feature
  • Watermark
  • Drop cap
  • Columns
  • Paragraphs
  • Plugs/ ears
  • Page numbers
  • Date issue no.
  • Colour blocks
  • Gradient