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Theorist What does it mean (in your own words) Todorovs theory talks about narratives having three part structure How does it apply to the advert (in your own words)
Equilibrium beginning
BEGINNING – arrives in scene of hotel room
MIDDLE – makeup is introduced – gold reflection floods the room
END – transformed from original looks and clothing to sophisticated and glamorous up (bossed up )
Binary Opposition two words/sentences that are opposite of each other

Levi Strauss theory talks about how binary opposite entail majority of media forms and how how help thicken the plot a further the narrative
Manny Mua and Shayla are all glamorous and bossed up, then theres the boy ball who is completely opposite in looks and clothing
Character Types hero

Prop’s Theory suggests that every narrative has eight different character types: hero, villain, helper, mentor blocker, prize.
HERO – makeup: as its introduced as something amazing that will
VILLAIN – no makeup
VICTIM – bell boy

Bossed up theorists

TheoristWhat does it mean (in your own words)How does it apply to the advert (in your own words)
EquilibriumThe story structure eg. the beginning, middle and endBefore the use of the makeup, the beat drop and after the use of makeup.
Binary OppositionA pair of relating things with opposing meaning.The two makeup artists and the non makeup wearing bell boy. Working in a hotel – staying in a hotel.
Character TypesThe villain and hero. And stock characters. The makeup being the hero and not wearing makeup could be the villain.


TheoristWhat does it mean (in your own words)How does it apply to the advert (in your own words)
EquilibriumBeginning, middle, endentering the room in regular close, middle is when they open the suitcase, apply make up then the beat drop and colors change. the end then occurs when the camera does slow motion shots and approaches both features who are posing.
Binary Opposition pair of related terms or concepts that are opposite in meaning Manny MUA and Shayla are all glamours with their make up and then the bell boy is also all BOSSD UP in his gold suit
character types hero,princess,villain,victim Hero- Make up
Princess- Shayla/Manny MUA
Villain- having no make up
Victim- bell boy brings in the suitcases

Narrative theories (csp3)

TheoristWhat does it mean?How does it apply to the advert?
Equilibrium (Todorov)Everything is equal.
Todorovs theory suggests a beggining middle and end (Equilibrium, Problem, Solution)
The norm is represented as dull
Golden suitcase with mascara is introduced
The product is used and now the norm is golden
Binary Opposition (Levi-Straus)Each media form such as a book contain opposing main characters – Villain and Hero.
These binary opposites help to thicken the plot as well as introduce contrast or curiosity
The difference between the ‘models’ before using the mascara and after using the mascara. At first they were dull and then after using it they suddenly became a lot more glamourous.
Character Types (Propp)

Every narrative contains 8 ‘stock’ character types. Such as a villain who at some point will fight the ‘hero’The bell boy/ person working at the hotel would be considered the dispatcher as he distrupts the equalibirum to something that was already ‘everything’. To begin this character is pretty dull and has no dialogue using NVC in order to show his feelings.


Vladimir Propp

Propp was a structuralist and believed that there are 7 base characters that are in all forms of media. Not all types will be in all medias but at least one will be and can take on more than one part of the media.

  1. The protagonist. the thing the action revolves around
  2. The antagonist. opposes the hero
  3. The dispatcher. sends the hero on a quest
  4. The helper. aids the hero
  5. The donor. gives the hero advice
  6. The princess. motivation or reward for the hero
  7. The false hero. helper who turns on the hero

Tzvetan Todorov

Todorov believes that there is 5 parts to every story.

  1. Equilibrium. the story is at rest or normal
  2. Disruption. of the norm by an event
  3. Recognition. noticing that the disruption has occurred
  4. Repair. Attempt to fix the problem
  5. Resolution. of problem and a new Equilibrium

And recognized that you can use non chronological narratives


The Language of Moving Image

Technical CodeDenotation (what is it)Connotation (what does it signify)
Setting A Hotel room in New YorkNew York is one of the worlds most financially rich city.
Clothing At the start plain normally clothes but by the end it all the clothes are goldPlain normal clothes are ordinary.
Gold is linked with power and wealth and these unordinary
NVC – Non Verbal Communication Before a more relaxed posture whereas after their posture changes to be more confident and strong.Before are regular people but after they are more professional
Dialogue casual friendly speech these people are friendly and you have a good relationship with them
Sound Effect sparkle SFXmakes it like the product is magic and will change your life
Music the music is quite and not so noticeable until they get bossed up then the beat drops and the volume increasesBefore your life is quiet and after getting “Bossed Up” your life is like a musical
Camera shot size Mostly mid shot with a couple close upsthe mid shots are similar to the eye so feel natural.
Camera movement tilt down with push in to the suitcase with the mascarathis empahsises the mascara
Editing Smooth with no extravagant cuts and lots of slow motion. Most cuts are on the beatThis gives it a professional look

Narrative Theories

TheoristWhat does it mean? (Own Words)How does it apply to the advert? (Own Words)
Equilibrium ( Todorov )That every video has a beginning, middle and end. The beginning is when they enter the room (“This room is EVERYTHING”) to the middle putting it on and finally the end when they have the make up on.
Binary Opposition ( Levi-Straus )We can understand stuff through opposites. e.g. East/West Straight/Gay Good/BadThey are in New York so they are smart, modern, where dreams come true. And that without make up you are nothing and that with make up you are everything.
Character Types ( Propp)This is a theory that suggests the type of characters that are used. For example, Harry Potter = hero and Voldemort = villain. However, not all of these types will be present in every video.In the Bossed Up I think the hero is the make-up and the Helpers are Manny MUA and Shayla.

Source –

boss life advert🍀👌🤩

Technical CodeDenotation (ie what is it – simply describe what you see / hear)Connotation (ie what does it signify)
Settinga hotel room in new Yorka luxurious hotel room in an expen-sive city
Clothingtop and trousers & shoes on both the main characters, bell boy wearing hot-el uniform
NVCwinkingwink to communicate a ‘secret’
Dialoguelets get bossed upconnotes that the product will make you a ‘boss’ the slogan for the product
Sound Effecttwinkle soundconnotes magic
Musicmusic in the background after they get ‘bossed up’connotes life gets better and more exciting after using the product.
Camera shot size
Camera movement 🎅😊🤩😘😀😆😉😊😶🤑🤡👺👹👽👨‍❤️‍👨👨‍👩‍👧‍👧🦗🦂👥🎟🧦⚾🔎🖌📌⏰🍟🍤🍴🌻☘🍀🚗🌚

language of moving image

Technical CodeDenotation (ie what is it – simply describe what you see / hear)Connotation (ie what does it signify)
SettingNew York hotel roomMetropolitan, busy, wealthy
ClothingBegins in casual, plain clothes, turns into goldThis mascara will make you rich and wealthy
NVCWink at the camera, bell boy has a smug expression & shrugsLike they know something, as if he knew what was going to happen
Dialogue“Bossed up.”‘Bosses’ are considered powerful and in charge
Twinkle noise Magic,
MusicHip-hop style, upbeatRelates to younger audiences, captures attention
shot size
Wide shotsPromotes product
Camera movementZooms in and outCreates a focus on the product
EditingTransition from plain to gold