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Media Industries

Cultivation Theory: Constant exposure to a certain opinion and forge viewers opinion of reality keeping them from the truth and how they see the world.

Vertical Integration: where a media company owns different businesses in the same chain of production and distribution.

Conglomerate: A combination of multiple business entities operating in entirely different industries under one corporate group, usually involving a parent company and many subsidiaries

Synergy: Two or more media organisations work to produce a combined effect greater than what could be achieved on their own.

  • A   Cultivation Theory is a theory used to examine the long term effects of television.
  • B   Vertical integration is where a media company owns different businesses in the same chain of production and distribution.​
  • C   conglomerate is a company that owns numerous other companies , such as television, radio, publishing, motion pictures, theme parks, or the Internet.
  • D   Synergy is where two or more media organisations work to produce a combined effect greater than what could be achieved on their own.​

Boss life theories

Character types: a character type is a certain trait or role a character will have to progress the story = examples are the Hero(protagonist), Villain (antagonist), princess(the character who gets rescued in one way or form) etc. This relates to the boss life advert as the hero in the advert isn’t necessarily a hero but the product themselves and Manny and the Bell Boy gets changed into a better version of themselves, they were the princesses but as the woman introduces the product she could also be seen as a hero.

A story has Three parts to it the equilibrium where everything is balanced and good nothing, in particular, affects the story yet which then shifts into disequlibrium/Disruption as their is conflict,change, issue that is introduced and finally finishes into resolution/new equilibrium where the story gets balanced again after the issue or change is fixed or accepted.

equilibrium in the boss Life advert is when Manny goes to his new apartment this is emphised by when he says “this room is everything”, everything is balanced there nothing new of interest yet disequilibrium

Disruption in the boss life advert is when the product arrives and causes the environment and people to change.

resolution/new equilibrium In the Boss Life advert is when the people are transfered into this better bossed up look where the are all blinged up nad the whole aura of the advert becomes golden and bright.

Statement of intent

The design brief was to create a cover, double pages and back page for a gaming magazine inspired by PC gaming, pockets tactics and games TM. Everything we included had to be original.

My magazine is aimed at young female video gamer who are between the ages of 15-21. I wanted to make sure my main focus was females as typically video games are stereo-typically designed for boys or men meaning girls are not encouraged by any media to play. Therefore i chose to use the stereotypical girly colours of pink and purple. For my dominant signifier i chose to insert a girl into the center of the page using a medium shot making it more appealing for my target audience. My main image is a reactionary icon as it is supportive of female gamers.

I chose to use white text on a dark background whilst using black on a lighter background, this makes it stand out catching people attention. I purposefully placed the price in the top third of the magazine making it easier for potential customers to spot.

The title ‘retro gamer’ symbolizes that they are experienced gamers and know what they are doing when it comes to gaming. My title is bold, written in black and again is placed in the top third of the page.

I plan for my informational language to be informal as it is aimed at a younger generation. This will hopefully mean that the audience can relate more towards the magazine. The style of the content inside will be relaxed but informative. Using this type of language makes the magazine more trustworthy and likable.

My magazine is an independent which refers to any form that is free of influence by government or corporate interests. My magazine is a small company which produce content for girls rather than a company that is mainstream.

I aim to represent something different from the usual white male gamer, to do this i will challenge the dominant ideology and make girl gaming just as popular as male gaming.I will do this by using alternative media, this means that my product will differ from dominant companies this can be done through content, production and distribution. I would like to produce a niche magazine rather than a mainstream. Niche products are proving to be very popular right now in the magazine industry, they tend to appeal more to the younger generation which I am aiming to target.

3 narrative theories to the maybeline advert

Theorist What does it mean (in your own words) How does it apply to the advert (in your own words) 
Equilibrium That all narratives follow a three part structure where they begin with equilibrium, (everything balanced), progress as something comes along to disrupt that equilibrium, and finally reach a resolution, when equilibrium is restored. Starts off dark and grey, not in glam. Then the porter brings in the makeup and makes everything ‘magical.’ And then at the end everything is gold and they are in full glam.   
Binary Opposition Entails that the majority of narratives in media forms such as books and film contain opposing main characters.The opposing characters would be the normal looking characters at the start and then the gold and exciting characters at the end. 
Character Types Propp argued that stories are character driven and that plots develop from the decisions and actions of characters and how they function in a story. These characters are the villain, the donor, the helper, the princess, the false hero, the dispatcher, the hero The heroes in the advert are Manny MUA and Shayla as they are promoting the product. Maybelline are also the heroes because they are providing the product. The helper is the porter as he provides the heroes with the makeup.  
Theorist What does it mean (in your own words) How does it apply to the advert (in your own words) 
Equilibrium A condition in which all influences acting cancel each other, so that a static or balanced situation result. Well it’s the narrative of the story, so before they haven’t got glammed up and as soon as they bring the mascara in it changes there look to be “better” 
Binary Opposition A binary opposition is a pair of related terms or concepts that are opposite in meaning. The product is mainly associated for women, but they have put manny in this to show that men are obliged to using the product. 
Character Types Characters are essential to a good story, and it is the main characters that have the greatest effect on the plot or are the most affected by the events of the story. The different types of characters include protagonists, antagonists, dynamic, static, round, flat, and stock. The hero is manny and Sheila as they are the main characters and use the mascara when it arrives to get “bossed up”.  
TheoristWhat does it
How does it apply
to the advert
EquilibriumSomething is
There is a female,
a male
and a member
Two theoretical
Contrast between
with the product
vs without
Hero= Maybelline
Victim= people who
buy the product

TheoristWhat does it mean (in your own words)How does it apply to the advert (in your own words)
EquilibriumThe power is in a state of equilibrium (power). As the plot develops the balance can change giving someone or something more powerThe power shifts after they apply the make up
Binary Oppositionmedia that contains opposing main charactersBoth main characters are opposite genders
Character TypesThe theory that there are certain specific characters in every media form / text

We could be the victims and the Lobby boy could be the dispatcher and the company / two main characters could be the heroes but it is all subjective