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The Killing – TV Show


Production = These are the stages that are created in order to produce a finished piece of media.

Distribution = Refers to how the media source is given to its audience (ie online, DVD, videos and E-Books).

Exhibition = This is how the media source is shown to the audience, such as through a tablet screen or a cinema screen.

What organisations (rather than individuals) are involved in the production, distribution & exhibition of this product?

Who is behind the Production?

  • There are two versions of this programme: one developed in the US by Netflix and Fox Television Studios and another developed in Danish by Danish production company DR in collaboration with ZDF Enterprises.
  • Originally, before the programme was taken over by Fox Television Studios and Netflix, it was produced by a production company called DR in collaboration with ZDF Enterprises.
  • The American version of this TV series was originally created by Veena Sud, it was also produced by Fox Television Studios in collaboration with Fuse Entertainment and later taken over by Netflix

How was “The Killing” Distributed?

  • In January 2007, it was broadcasted on Danish television for the first time.
  • Since being broadcasted on Danish television, it has also been distributed to many countries worldwide.
  • There has been many TV shows based on “The Killing” and it has both a Danish and English (US) version.
  • The English US version is available on Netflix and the Danish version is available online on Amazon.

What audience theories can be made from this TV show?

Stuart Hall’s theory of reception can be linked to this TV series as there will be 3 types of people: the people who love the series and want to continue watching it, people who may like the series but prefer a different programme and those people who absolutely despise the TV show and prefer to watch an alternative. However, it can be argued that George Gerbner’s cultivation theory can be applied to this TV show as some people may despise it, however, their views might change overtime the more that they see advertisements of the TV show and the more that they hear about people liking the TV show.


Primary audience = this would be people who speak and understand Danish as this programme is produced in Danish and would want to watch the TV series again.

Secondary audience = these would be people such as critics and people who aren’t likely to watch the film, however they want to analyse the aspects that go into the TV programme.

Tertiary audience = these are the people that do not want to watch the TV show and they are only watching it because there is a theme that interests them. The tertiary audience for “The Killing” would be people who do not speak/understand Danish and people who like TV shows in the mystery genre. The tertiary audience would not want to re-watch the series again ,unlike the primary audience.

CSP4 – The killing

Genre(s) – Crime, Drama, Mystery, Adventure and Action

Set – Copenhagen

About – The killing is a Danish Crime/Drama which follows detective inspector – ‘Sarah Lund’, investigating the murder of a young woman.

The production, distribution and exhibition of the Killing shows how audiences can be reached, both on a national and global scale, through different media technologies and platforms = Transnational

(Each 50 min episode covers 24hrs – 1 day)

The Killing acted as a catalyst for the globalisation/ distribution/ popularity of foreign language throughout UK television. However, The Killing was first released in Denmark, 2007, and only aired on UK television 4 years later in 2011.

the KIlling

Primary audience is the main body of viewers, which may also be known as the target audience. People who may be classed as primary audience would be doctors, teachers and lawyers.

Secondary audience are people other than the intended audience who will also be listening to the station. Such as, hairdressers or sales assistants.

Tertiary audience is when a person is only listening to the station because they are familiar with the guest that is on. This could be a celebrity, family or friend.


what is the killing? It is a Danish police procedure drama television series

extra information i have found off the internet:

The Killing has proved to be an international hit”

short summary – “This final ten-part series begins with the murder of a sailor. Sarah Lund’s investigation turns to the financial and governmental communities during the global financial crisis. Lund is now a Chief Inspector but has ambitions for a new lifestyle. As a parent she is struggling to repair her relationship with Mark. She has to cooperate working with a new Inspector Asbjørn Juncker and Mathias Borch of Special Branch when Emilie Zeuthen—9-year-old daughter of Robert Zeuthen—is kidnapped. Lund, Juncke and Borch hunt down the perpetrator while the government is on the verge of collapse. “

What i am going to expect:

  • death
  • killing
  • murder
  • dark + errie atmosphere

Who is the primary, secondary and tertiary audience for this product?

Tertiary audience: is when a person is only listening to the station because they are familiar with the guest that is on.

What audience theories can you apply to which help you to develop a better understanding of the potential target audience?

i think that the target audience would be people who enjoy thrillers and horrors, within a crime.

What organisations (rather than individuals) are involved in the production, distribution & exhibition of this product?

statements on media industries

Cultivation Theory examines the long-term effects of television and talks about how more we indulge in television the more we believe artificial television reality as a norm.

vertical integration is when a production company owns the means of production, distribution and exhibition of their film and are of the same company, because of this they will receive all of the profit.

A conglomerate owns many companies which are involved in mass media enterprises like television, radio, publishing, motion pictures, theme parks, or the Internet.

Synergy is the concept that the combined value and performance of two companies will be greater than if tthey were separate individual parts. 

Media Industry Defs

Cultivation Theory: the idea that media can manipulate the way you view the world

Vertical Integration: when a media company own different businesses in the same chain of production and distrubution

Conglomerate: a company that owns numerous companies involved in mass media enterprises

Synergy: where two or more media organisations work to produce a combined effect greater than what could be achieved on their own

  • Cultivation Theory refers to the idea that media can manipulate the way you view the world.​
  • Vertical integration is where a media company owns different businesses in the same chain of production and distribution.​
  • conglomerate is the idea that one big company owns many smaller companies. (e.g. Disney)​
  • Synergy is where two or more media organisations work to produce a combined effect greater than what could be achieved on their own.​

Starter activity

  • A   Cultivation Theory examines the long term effects of television.
  • B   Vertical integration is where a media company owns different businesses in the same chain of production and distribution.​
  • C   conglomerate is a large company which own a lot of smaller companies.
  • D   Synergy is where two or more media organisations work to produce a combined effect greater than what could be achieved on their own.​


  • A   Cultivation Theory refers to the idea that media can manipulate the way you view the world.​
  • B   Vertical integration is where a media company owns different businesses in the same chain of production and distribution.​
  • C   conglomerate is the idea that one big company owns many smaller companies. (e.g. Disney)​
  • D   Synergy is where two or more media organisations work to produce a combined effect greater than what could be achieved on their own.​