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Define key terms

Define each of these key terms

  • Repertoire of elements – Characters. covers the theory that a certain genre of film will have similar characters. In a crime film there will often be the Italian mobster. Setting. covers the idea that the same genre of film will have similar settings.
  • Corpus – a collection of written or spoken language data in a computer-readable format. It brings together large quantities of language evidence from a variety of real situations which lexicographers use to compile accurate and meaningful dictionary entries.
  • Hybridisation – Hybridization is a term used to describe a type of media convergence whereby a new mode emerges containing elements of combined media. Hybrid media represent most modern media and the concept that different media forms can work together to create new media.
  • Historic specificity –
  • Repetition and Sameness
  • Variation and change
  • Narrative image
  • Expectations and hypotheses
  • Suspend disbelief
  • Generic regime of verisimilitude

Stephen Neale’s Genre Theory Definitions

Stephen Neale – Prominent UK-based film theorist who has made an enormous contribution to the field of genre studies

Repertoire of elements – Repeated features that are identical and recognisable as a specif genre eg horror = dark, jump scares, night, groups of people

Corpus – Genres evolve as new texts and are added to the body of similar texts

Hybridisation – The merging of different genres to create a sub-genre , more than one genre in a text

Historic specificity – They are associated with certain time periods and tend to have been popular at a particular moment in time due to other cultural, economic or historical factors

Repetition and sameness – Genre text producers have a fine line between repeating successful formulas with only minor variations

Variation and change – Varying the genre sufficiently to still allow familiarity but also make the audience feel the product they are consuming seems fresh

Narrative image – Tells a story through moving image, and closely follows a narrative structure to similar texts in that genre

Expectations and hypotheses – Audiences like to predict what’s going to happen, eg in a horror film you can tell when something’s going to happen like a jump scare because they music builds up or it’s silent and the camera’s moving rapidly between shots

Suspend disbelief – The audience needs to care about the characters in order for them to remain interested in the text this can be done by making them think a certain thing may happen (audience positioning)

Generic regime of verisimilitude – Making things very similar and match up to both our experience of other texts and of the real world so they’re believable

Conventions and rules – There are certain rules / structures / features that need to be included in a text to make it a certain genre

Sub-genre – A genre that has derived from the original main genre but doesn’t contain all of the required features and can have differences to this as well

Hybridity – Putting 2 or more different things together


repertoire of elements- key elements of a film that are consistently repeated throughout a genre.

hybridization- merging and combining different elements of media together.

corpus- when genres evolve as new texts are added to the body of similar texts.

historic specificity- genres that are associated with certain specific time periods.

repetition and sameness- the action of repeating something and something being the same.

variation and change- changing something from how it is or how it has or should been.

narrative image- telling a story in the moment or how it’s going or sequence of events unfolding over time.

expectations and hypothesis- how something is expected or believed to be and as proposition made as a basis of believing.

suspend disbelief- temporarily allow someone to believe something that isn’t true, especially to enjoy a work of fiction.

generic regime of verisimilitude- refers to what is likely to happen in a genre.

Key Terms

Conventions and Rules: Media conventions are rules or generally accepted ways of combining codes to create form and meaning within a media production.

Sub-Genre: A genre that is part of a larger genre the series is part of the blooming “urban fantasy” which features super natural creatures.

Hybridity: Hybridity is to be understood as a mixture of genres in a movie or anything that involves a genre(s).

Corpus: Corpus means a collection of facts and things. Corpus is associated with storage, indexing, search and delivery of multimedia data.

Repertoire of Elements: Repertoire are key elements of a film that are consistently repeated throughout a genre. Each genre has its own repertoire of elements which elements it as that genre.

Repetition and Sameness: This means that genre text producers walk a fine line between repeating successful formulas with only minor variations.

Variation and Change:

CSP4: The Killing

Production – the process of creating a product.

Distribution – the process of sharing something to a large audience.

Exhibition – a public display of something; this is usually a piece of art.

It was set in Denmark

Producer: Søren Sveistrup

Genre: Danish Police Drama

Broadcast on: Amazon, BBC4 and Netflix


Repertoire of elements- the theory that a certain genre of film will have similar characters

Corpus- Big structured text

Hybridisation- Is a genre that is a mix of themes and elements from two or more different genres

Historic Specificity- Associated with certain time periods

Repetition ans sameness- Genre text producers walk a fine line between repeating successful formulas with only minor variations

Variation and change- Varying it sufficiently to still allow familiarity but also make the audience feel the product they are consuming feels fresh.

Narrative image- visual story telling

Expectation and hypothesis- The assumption of the audience based on how its presented

Suspend disbelief-


stephen neale – a uk based theorist with an enormous contribution to genre studies. Neale views genre as a process, meaning that they evolve over time.

repertoire of elements – identifiable aspects of text belonging to the corpus

corpus – group of texts identified as belonging to the same genre

hybridisation – mixing one genre with another

historic specificity – belonging to a particular time period

repetition/sameness – repeated successful tropes in genre that allow parts of the genre to be recognised more.

variation/change – the tendency for genre texts to reformulate with new qualities to prevent audiences from becoming tired of a formula

narrative image – expectations of a genre text based on its label often passed from word to mouth

expectations and hypotheses – requirements to be fulfilled, and narrative and other predictions made by an audience based onprior experience of a genre

suspend disbelief – a sense of connection or belief the audience has to maintain to invest themselves in the story

generic regime of verisimilitude –norms and laws of a genre


Repertoire of elements – covers the theory that a certain genre of film will have similar characters.

Corpus – the body of text.

Hybridisation – The merging of different genres to create new genres.

Historic specificity – genres associated with different time periods.

Repetition and sameness/ Variation of change –  Meaning there is a fine line between changing too little and changing too much where it becomes unfamiliar 

Expectations and hypotheses -the assumptions of the audience based on how its represented.

Narrative image –  Telling a story through moving image and how its viewed and he genre is represented.

Suspended disbelief – the audience imburse themselves into the media form ad the characters or story’s.

stephen neale key terms

  • Repertoire of elements- the idea that all films in a genre has similar features.
  • Corpus- a collection of texts which are similar.
  • Hybridisation- a genre which is a mix of new and different genres.
  • Historic specificity-genres that are associated with a specific time period.
  • Repetition and sameness- features of a genre being constantly repeated throughout other texts.
  • Variation and change-features of a genre being changed throughout different texts.
  • Narrative image- visual story
  • Expectations and hypotheses- the preconceived ideas that the spectator holds due to past viewings of texts from that genre.
  • Suspend disbelief- the spectator buys into the film and becomes emotionally attached.
  • Generic regime of verisimilitude- what is probable in a genre text which match up with personal experiences/ other texts.