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Theme: Adobe Fuse

What is it about?

  • My DPS is going to be about how a majority of the popular games featured in my magazine are designed in Adobe Fuse.
  • I will have an Adobe Fuse created character, one male and one female, in order to be inclusive and I will have the Fuse girl character have dark skin to be inclusive and give a good representation of my magazine as usually people only feature people who are lighter skinned.
  • My magazine DPS will be radical as I will have a darker skinned woman posing in quite a masculine way in order to show that women and men are equal. My Fuse Character will not be doing something related with females, ie cooking as I want to challenge the dominant ideology and the expectation of females.
  • I will follow the house style of my contents page and front page. What I mean by this is that I will use the same font and colouring as I did for the title of both my contents page and my magazine front cover and I will also have the title for my DPS the same font size as for the title I had used for my contents page.

Style Models

  • I am going to design my DPS to look slightly like this “Gears of War 2” DPS. However, I do not like the tilted text, therefore, I am going to have the text straight.
  • However, I am going to have the title of the DPS in the top left hand corner in order to follow the house style of my magazine.
  • The coloring of the page will be fairly feminine colours (possibly a pale purple/pink) in order to appeal to my female target audience.
  • I will put my text into columns in order to make it easier for the audience to read and to give it a clear appearance.
  • I want to keep the title of my DPS quite simple so that it is easy to remember and effective to attract my audiences.


I am going to base my magazine contents on this contents page by the Official PlayStation Magazine and this contents page from GamesTM.

  • I am going to have subheadings for each section (ie interviews and genres of games) for the audience to easily locate a page.
  • Like GamesTM, I am going to have a line beside the “Contents” title with the website and the issue number so that the reader can know what issue number this is and that there is a website they can access for exclusive content. I am strategically placing the website at the top to entice the reader to visit the website as according to research, people notice the top of a page more then the bottom. Therefore I am going to put the important articles within this issue towards the top so that people take more notice of it.
  • This house style (title and then line with the website and issue number) will be a house style I will also use on my DPS to create consistency.
  • I am going to use the same/similar colours I have used on my front cover to keep with the house style of my magazine and the colour scheme I am using to create consistency.
  • At the bottom of the page, I am going to have in small font the page number and the name of my magazine (Level Up) because to the audience it is not important, hence why O will have it small, however it is a necessity of a contents page/any page of a magazine so the audience know what page they are on.

Magazine planning

Front cover, contents page and double pages – all need to relate with chosen genre.


Masthead; PLAYER 1

Selling line; The ultimate guide to the classics

Cover price; £2.99


Features that may be included;

“Why 80s gaming ruled”

“The making of Mario”

“The history of Sonic”

“The top 10 80s games”

“Donkey Kong: the ultimate guide”


At least 400 words and 7 images across both pages


  • Front Cover:
  • Include more images (around 2-3 more)
  • Include graphical elements
  • Include 5 cover lines
  • Statement of Intent:
  • Use more key language
  • Use key theoretical frameworks
  • Note the set brief
  • 2 Page Spread:
  • Include original images
  • Include enough text about the genre of the magazine
  • Create graphical elements
  • Include at least 400 words altogether

Explain the appeal of low to medium budget films to Hollywood conglomerates

With Hollywood conglomerates having ownership over low to medium budget films, can be appealing for them (for example Fox owning the film Hidden Figures) as it can allow them to generate more advertisement and distribution towards their audience, as purchasing these small companies were inexpensive as it was low on budget. Furthermore, it allows for greater globalization, meaning in contemporary society, distant countries can become inter-rated and connected together by trade communications.

Hidden figures is a Hollywood film with a budget of $25 million. This is classified as a low to medium budget film. This is an industry category which has recently been acknowledged for its profit potential. Therefore, this is a main reason why the company Fox have chosen to become a conglomerate of the film Hidden Figures, as they see potential in this film to generate a successful amount of profit which allows them to lead to a high net income. Interestingly, the film Hidden figures did come out to be successful, with a total revenue of $236 million from producing the film. Furthermore, most of Fox’s film productions, including Titanic , Star Wars and Bohemian rhapsody, have been extremely successful, from its combined total revenue of $29 billion, so, by deciding to become the owner of the film Hidden Figures, there is a high chance that this film will also become a success. Furthermore, knowing that the film has profit potential, there is little risk in spending lots on marketing and advertisement to try and distribute the film across the world, because in the long run, the film is guaranteed to make great amounts of revenue.


  • co – production between independent production companies + major Hollywood Conglomerates though film subdivision fox 2000
  • fox is seen as a conglomerate with an exploration of role of low budget film making
  • budget was $25 – low to medium budget film – known as a profit potential film.
  • distribution techniques – focuses on distribution and exhibition linked to targeted audience.
  • strong links to contemporary concerns and debates about race in the US.
  • film is targeted at audience often ignored by Hollywood due to age, gender + race.
  • strategy of media conglomerates is to facilitate control of markets. including low budget + low to medium budget fare, eg hidden figures is more likely to garner awards and attract prestige. 
  • Fox as a conglomerate with diverse cross-media elements including facilities for media production, distribution and circulation means they have structures + means to get films with independent feel/consciousness/aesthetic to a mainstream audience. 
  • should be familiar with production and distribution of film