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Marshall McLuhan: The Medium is the Message

Technological determinism is a reductionist theory that assumes that a society’s technology determines the development of its social structure and cultural values. 

(1911–1980) was a Canadian philosopher.

For many the role of technology is actually the most defining aspect of Media, for example Marshall McLuhan proposed in 1964 that the Medium was the message, or as he deliberately titled his book ‘The Media is the Massage’.  In other words, the medium (the technology) is more significant than anything else in determining meaning ie over companies, organisations, governments, individuals, representations, texts etc etc


Marshall McLuhan was a Canadian philosopher who’s work is one of the cornerstones of media theory

He predicted the world wide web 30 years before it was invented.

He was a fixture in the media discourse in the late 1960s , though his influence began to wane in the 1970s

Herbert Marshall McLuhan was a Canadian philosopher. His work is one of the cornerstones of the study of media theory. Born in Edmonton, Alberta, McLuhan studied at the University of Manitoba and the University of Cambridge.

The medium is the message” 

 McLuhan proposes that a medium itself, not the content it carries, should be the focus of study.

He said that a medium affects the society in which it plays a role not only by the content delivered over the medium, but also by the characteristics of the medium itself.

Marshall McLuhan

Herbert Marshall McLuhan CC was a Canadian philosopher. His work is one of the cornerstones of the study of media theory. Born in Edmonton, Alberta, McLuhan studied at the University of Manitoba and the University of Cambridge. Born on July 21, 1911, and died on December 31, 1980

Marshall McLuhan’s Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, an acclaimed book that has become a cornerstone in media theory since its publication in 1964, examines humans’ relationships to the different types of media to which they are exposed on a daily basis, and considers how meaning is derived from one’s interactions with these various mediums. In other words, meaning does not lie within the form of media itself or it’s Content

csp 7 teen vogue

“Kim Kardashian West: The Justice Project”

‘Teen Vogue is culturally significant in its marrying of the political with fashion and lifestyle to target a young female audience more traditionally seen as interested in more superficial issues. Its explicit feminist stance and reporting on the Trump presidency has made it a relatively radical voice in the context of mainstream US media. The social and economic contexts can be addressed in terms of how the product has been received and how it has succeeded when other magazines (online) are struggling to maintain audiences.’

culturally significant in its marrying of the political with fashion” I agree as Kim Kardashian is a fashion and beauty icon for many teen girls and this story is combining that fact with her political views.

young female audience more traditionally seen as interested in more superficial issues.” Kim has a high celebrity profile which helps spread awareness of her views and work, her fame is gained from a successful reality show which has a high young female audience and Kim and her family have been labeled as ‘superficial’ in the past which adds to the stereotype that young female audiences are interested in superficial issues.

feminist stance” the feminist stance of this magazine article suggest that Kim is a good feminine role model for a young female audience as she is helping bring justice to people.

mainstream US media.” Kim’s reality show and her documentary are both viewed and aired on mainstream US media and teen vogue adds to this.

beyonce’s adidas x ivy park collection Receives Criticism for Size Range

Teen Vogue is culturally significant in its marrying of the political with fashion and lifestyle to target a young female audience more traditionally seen as interested in more superficial issues.

  • I agree as making fashion inclusive for all sizes is dominant ideology today and Beyonce is a icon with a fashion brand making it about social issues and fashion.
  • The issue with models and plus size models in the fashion industry- as the fashion industry is labelled as exclusive and only for certain sized women however diversity has improved over the last few years as majority of famous fashion brands have become more inclusive and released a wider range in sizes. However Beyonce is a huge music star and has always promoted her brand as inclusive as she made her line gender neutral, ‘Beyoncé’s Ivy Park x Adidas Collection Will Be Gender-Neutral’, however she has not made the sizing as inclusive.
  • The line and Beyonce have received a lot of feedback due to the sizing.

9 signs you’re being catfished

Young female audience more traditionally seen as interested in more superficial issues – I don’t think my case study is superficial because it discuses a very serious situation which can effect anyone. This shows that teen vogue does not aim specifically at a certain audience as it has story’s which may interest a wider audience

The codes and conventions of a website – For a website page there should always be a picture correlating to a story to intrigue the reader. This story has a clear main image linking to the story.

How does the story construct a particular representation of the world This story shows that the world is not a perfect and safe place for anyone. It also shows us that the story’s on teen vogue are not specific to women however they are mostly aimed at women.

Uses and gratifications The main Uses and gratifications that can be seen in teen vogue are entertainment, social interaction and education. People read to vogue because it can be entertaining reading the different articles, they can talk to their friends about the magazine and the articles within, lastly they can learn important things from some of the articles for example this one about cat-fishing.