Category Archives: Uncategorized



Technology and News production

Technology and News production
– Digital audio recorders
– Digital cameras
– Software – Adobe
– Computers/ Devices
– Processors
– The internet
– Social media
– Broadcasts
– Email
– Websites/ advertisement
– Wifi
– Virtual Private Network
– Devices e.g Smartphone/ computer
– Television
– Apps


Technology and News Production
– digital audio recorders
– digital cameras
– software applications (Adobe)
-recording studios
-mobile devices
– tablet devices
– drawing/designing tablet
-web applications
-word processing software
– desktop publishing software
– video editing software
– photo editing software
– the internet
– social media
– broadcasts (satellite or terrestrial)
– radio broadcasts
– videos
– posts on a website/blog
– emails
– advertising
– Wi-Fi
– IP address
– Cinemas
– Live streams
– Applications
– USBs
– Memory sticks
– books
– music
– phones
– televisions
– DAB’s
– tablets
– applications
– YouTube
– Hard drives
– SD cards
– VR
– The Intenet
– Internet of things (IOT)
– headphones/earphones
– computers
– cinemas

Key words associated with New Media


  • With new media, you can edit things and change things easily and instantly to everyone.
  • However, with old media, you couldn’t change things easily, instead the publisher would have to collate all of the media and then distributed the edited version


  • With old Media, people used to engage in conversation and talk to each other, which created a very social atmosphere.
  • However, now people are glued to their new technology devices and appear to be fairly anti-social.


  • With old media, things would have an end and you couldn’t do anything else (ie the end of a book)
  • However, with new media, people are able to finish something and endlessly find out more information, such as you could finish a book and then find a forum where people are discussing it.


  • With old media, people couldn’t watch an event in real time and instead had to wait until someone had published it, which could be a few hours or days later.
  • However, new media allows you to see events live and on demand.

New technology

Technology and News Production
> digital audio recorders
> digital cameras
>Photoshop adobe/DTP
> Blog/web applications
> computers
> Word processor
> Tablets (drawing/design tablet)
> the internet
> social media
> broadcasts (statellite or terrestrial)
> Emails
> Hosting sites
>You tube
> Website
> Wifi
> IP adess
> phones
> televisions
> DAB’s
> Youtube
> Cinema
> Apps
> USB’s


Technology and News Production
> digital audio recorders
> digital cameras
> softwares
> photoshop
> the internet
> social media
> broadcasts (statellite or terrestrial)
>wifi router
>IP adress
> phones
> televisions
> DAB’s


He wrote a book called ‘The Medium is the Massage’

“Societies have always been shaped more by the nature of the media by which men communicate by the content of the communication” (p. 8: 1967)

For many the role of technology is actually the most defining aspect of Media, for example Marshall McLuhan proposed in 1964 that the Medium was the message, or as he deliberately titled his book the massage.  In other words, the medium (the technology) is more significant than anything else in determining meaning ie over companies, organisations, governments, individuals, representations, texts etc

Key words – new media


story –

New Technology:

Technology and News  Production
> digital audio recorders
> digital cameras
> DTP/Photoshop/Adobe
> Blog/web application
> Computers
> Word processor
> tablets (drawing/design)

> the internet
> social media
> broadcasts (satellite or terrestrial)
> hosting site
> YouTube
> Email
> Website
> WiFi
> IP address
> phones
> televisions
> DAB’s
> Air-pods
> YouTube
> Cinema
> Apps
> Charging, cabels, USBs

Technology and News Production

> digital audio recorders
> digital cameras
> Photoshop
> adobe
> computers
> word processes
> tablets
> the internet
> social media
> broadcasts (statellite or terrestrial)
> emails
> website
> wifi
> IOS, Androide
> IP Address
> phones
> televisions
> DAB’s
> cinema
> air-pods
> youtube
> apps
> charging cable

Interface – New media interfaces are much more interactive and easy to use (Teen Vogue website) whereas old media is more fixed and slower, harder to use interfaces.

Share – New media can be shared online on websites, social media and much more. It can reach more people in less time than old media could.

Endless – Old media is fixed and has a start and an end of each product (news paper) where as new media can be continuously updated and appear to be endless (teen vogue webpage)

Creative – with technology such as Photoshop and in-design creativity is almost limitless.

Two-way conversationOne-way conversation

Teen vogue allows you the freedom to read or not read which ever articles you want you can also use social media to respond to certain points. However with old media you have to read the articles that have been published and there is less freedom to respond.

Open systemClosed system

Teen vogue is always updating and constantly has new articles and news. Whereas old media is fixed and cannot be change or updated once published.

New technology

> digital audio recorders
> digital cameras
software programs( photoshop)
> the internet
> social media
> broadcasts (statellite or terrestrial)
> phones
> televisions
> DAB’s

Marshall Mcluhan –

Theory that ‘medium is the message’ , publication in 1964, examines humans’ relationships to the different types of media. Dominant sense- used to be the ear, however is now visual as the use is words is more commonly used

New vs old technology-

  • Old technology was fixed and cannot be edited once distributed however if teen-vogue shared a story it can be edited and changed.
  • Old technology had to be individually distributed however new technology can be shared with multiple people at once, for example Teen-vogue could stream videos on their online website.
  • Old technology used to take a long period of time if being distributed to international places therefore by the time someone had reached it the news could be out dated, whereas Teen Vogue shares active news that is relevant to the world now.
  • The media produced with new technology is endless and can be found at anytime even aver the event has happened, unlike newspapers that eventually age or get damaged online articles like on Teen Vogue are reachable at any time.