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CSP 7 – Teen vogue online newspaper

targets a young female audience more traditionally seen as interested in more superficial issues –

I disagree with this statement due to the fact that the case study discusses historical and political issues and events such as the Mass Shootings that Are Connected to America’s Legacy of Anti-Indigenous Violence. This implies that Teen Vogues target audience is also interested in more serious and important topics therefore disproving the statement saying that the audience is superficial

Its explicit feminist stance and reporting on the Trump presidency has made it a relatively radical voice in the context of mainstream US media –

I agree with this statement as the case study talks about radical stories such as mass shootings however I partly disagree with the statement due to the fact that the story about Mass Shootings and their Connection to the Anti-Indigenous violence does not show any feminist views or opinions.#

CSP 7: teen vogue article analysis

Article: March for Our Lives Florida: What Happens After a School-Shooter Lockdown.

  1. Teen Vogue Targets a young female audience more traditionally seen as interested in more superficial issues – This article is about a serious cultural and political issue and therefore it challenges the stereotype of female teenagers only being interested in superficial issues.
  2. The article is an opinion piece that promotes activism to raise awareness of the issue of school lockdowns.

textual analysis – teen vogue

Teen Vogue is culturally significant in its marrying of the political with fashion and lifestyle to target a young female audience more traditionally seen as interested in more superficial issues. Its explicit feminist stance and reporting on the Trump presidency has made it a relatively radical voice in the context of mainstream US media. The social and economic contexts can be addressed in terms of how the product has been received and how it has succeeded when other magazines (online) are struggling to maintain audiences.

I agree with the above statement when it says Teen Vogue is the emerging politics with fashion and lifestyle. I looked at the article by De Elizabeth titled ‘2020 women’s march: the most powerful protest signs’. The article is about the thousands of people that took to the streets for a women’s march focused on a variety of issues including LBGTQ rights and climate change, which are both hot political topics at the moment but are also lifestyle choices. I also agree when it says that it is targeted at a young female audience as the title suggests it is an article for women however the march itself was based on issues that affect everyone.


The medium is the message” – McLuhan proposes that a medium itself, not the content it carries, should be the focus of study. He said that a medium affects the society in which it plays a role not only by the content delivered over the medium, but also by the characteristics of the medium itself.

Herbert Marshall McLuhan CC was a Canadian philosopher. He was born in Edmonton, Alberta, McLuhan studied at the University of Manitoba and the University of Cambridge.

Article analysis

target a young female  – Teen vogue aims to target young females, Sex education is a show that does just that, as the issues raised are common for teenagers. The issue that Ola has with Otis that she doesn’t have the courage to tell him he did a bad job this is an issue that some young girls can relate to, as this is the age where teenagers start to ‘experiment’ and try new things with their partners.

explicit feminist stance – This Sex Education article is solely based around Ola and her journey of self discovery

radical voice in the context of mainstream US media – The article is reactionary to everyday life especially to a teenager , this is because it addresses real life issues such as sexuality and struggle with acceptance of yourself

Teen Vogue

significant in its marrying of the political with fashion – this article is talking about political issues but around the topic of fashion. The article talks about the issues that are happening in the world to do with climate change and an approach that the fashion world is taking to tackle climate change. “In a world where resources are diminishing and landfills are overflowing with discarded garments, it’s our duty to look for renewable resources, in addition to biodegradable and compostable materials,” 

explicit feminist stance – the article makes it clear that it is a woman who has created this brand of bio-degradable denim, which relates to their feminist stance because they are talking about the fact that she created the idea, and is launching the brand. This can be seen as empowering for the woman.

relatively radical voice in the context of mainstream US media. – in the article, the producer writes about how the rest of the fashion industry needs to be more open to the idea of creating sustainable fashion. to share our innovation and beliefs with the wider fashion industry.”

Teen Vogue Analysis:

How to Deal With Not Getting Into Your “Dream” College

  • An audience of teenage girls may typically be more interested in “superficial issues“. However, this article talks about an important social issue that may affect a great number of its target audience; something different from makeup and fashion.
  • Codes and conventions- The main image is eye-catching and helps to immediately draw the eye and capture a potential readers attention.
  • Representation- This article shows teenage girls that they should “Take a deep breath — you’re going to get through this”. This is a contrast to the sunny and bright articles that you would expect to see in a magazine of the same style as Teen Vogue.