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marshall Mcluhan

Canadian philosopher -mass media – the medium is the massage/ message.

technological determinism – Technological determinism is a reductionist theory that assumes that a society’s technology determines the development of its social structure and cultural values.

We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us.

McLuhan proposes that a medium itself, not the content it carries, should be the focus of study. He said that a medium affects the society in which it plays a role not only by the content delivered over the medium, but also by the characteristics of the medium itself.

production distribution and consumption

Technology and News Production
> digital audio recorders / digital microphones
> digital cameras
> DTP / Photoshop / Adobe ie software editing packages
> Blog / web applications
> computers
> word processor
> tablets (drawing / design)
> data profiling
> the internet
> social media
> broadcasts (statellite or terrestrial)
> hosting sites
> Youtube
> email
> website
> wifi
> IP address
> firewalls
> phones
> televisions
> i-pads / laptops / computers
> DAB’s ie digital radio
> air-pods
> Youtube
> cinema
> app
> USB’s
> digital implant
> Internet of things (IoT)
> digital billboards / digital displays
> VR

Technological determinism- Technological determinism is a reductionist theory that assumes that a society’s technology determines the development of its social structure and cultural values. Technological determinism tries to understand how technology has had an impact on human action and thought.

Mashall McLuhan- the message is within the media device used and not what the media says.

technological determinism

McLuhan coined the expression “the medium is the message” and the term global village, and predicted the World wide Web almost 30 years before it was invented. He was a fixture in media discourse in the late 1960s, though his influence began to wane in the early 1970s. In the years after his death, he continued to be a controversial figure in academic circles. With the arrival of the internet and the World Wide Web, interest was renewed in his work and perspective.

The Medium Is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects, published in 1967, was McLuhan’s best seller,[13] “eventually selling nearly a million copies worldwide.”[71] Initiated by Quentin Fiore,[72] McLuhan adopted the term “massage” to denote the effect each medium has on the human sensorium, taking inventory of the “effects” of numerous media in terms of how they “massage” the sensorium.[j]

production, distribution & consumption

> digital audio recorders
> digital microphones
> digital cameras
> photoshop – software editing packages
> blog / web applications
> computers
> word processor
> tablets (drawing / design)
> robots
> the internet
> social media
> broadcasts (satellite)
> youtube
> email
> website
> wifi
> phones
> televisions
> ipads / laptops / computers
> air-pods
> youtube
> cinema
> app
> usb’s
> digital billboards displays
> smart watch

technological determinism – marshall mcluhan studied the theory of media. He believed that the message that the media gave was through the device in which it was being delivered, not what it actually says.

Defining and conceptualising New Teachnology

– Digital audio recorders / digital microphones
– Digital cameras
– DTP / Photoshop / Adobe ie software editing packages
– Blog / web applications
– Computers
– Word processor
– Tablets (drawing / design)
– Data profiling
– The internet
– Social media
– Broadcasts (satellite or terrestrial)
– Hosting sites
– Youtube
– Email
– Website
– Wifi
– IP address
– Firewalls
– Through people
– Phones
– Television
– I-pads / laptops / computers
– DAB’s ie digital radio
– Air-pods
– Youtube
– Cinema
– App
– USB’s
– Digital implant
– Internet of things (IoT)
– Digital billboards / digital displays
– Smart watch
– Websites
– VR

Technological determinism – Technological determinism is a reductionist theory that assumes that a society’s technology determines the development of its social structure and cultural values. Technological determinism tries to understand how technology has had an impact on human action and thought

Marhsall McLuhan – Canadian philosopher. His work is one of the cornerstones of the study of media theory. Born in Edmonton, Alberta, McLuhan studied at the University of Manitoba and the University of Cambridge

technological determinism

Marshall McLuhan: The Medium is the Message – a good theorist to quote in your exam.

“Societies have always been shaped more by the nature of the media by which men communicate than by the content of the communication” (p. 8: 1967)

For many the role of technology is actually the most defining aspect of Media, for example Marshall McLuhan proposed in 1964 that the Medium was the message, or as he deliberately titled his book ‘The Media is the Massage’.  In other words, the medium (the technology) is more significant than anything else in determining meaning ie over companies, organisations, governments, individuals, representations, texts etc etc

Technological determinism – your biology and society is predetermined by the medium at which you are receiving the message

Technology and News Production
> digital audio recorders / digital microphones
> digital cameras
> DTP / Photoshop / Adobe ie software editing packages
> Blog / web applications
> computers
> word processor
> tablets (drawing / design)
> data profiling
> robot
> the internet
> social media
> broadcasts (statellite or terrestrial)
> hosting sites
> Youtube
> email
> website
> wifi
> IP address
> firewalls
> phones
> televisions
> i-pads / laptops / computers
> DAB’s ie digital radio
> air-pods
> Youtube
> cinema
> app
> USB’s
> digital implant
> Internet of things (IoT)
> digital billboards / digital displays
> smart watches

Marshall McLuhan

The medium is the message- the media form is what is influencing the people compared to the content in the media form. Technological determinism

technology and news production

Technology and News Production
> digital audio recorders / digital microphones
> digital cameras
> DTP / Photoshop / Adobe ie software editing packages
> Blog / web applications
> computers
> word processor
> tablets (drawing / design)
> data profiling
> the internet
> social media
> broadcasts (statellite or terrestrial)
> hosting sites
> Youtube
> email
> website
> wifi
> IP address
> firewalls
> phones
> televisions
> i-pads / laptops / computers
> DAB’s ie digital radio
> air-pods
> YouTube
> cinema
> app
> USB’s
> digital implant
> Internet of things (IoT)
> digital billboards / digital displays
>variable technology

production, distribution and consumption.

Technology and News Production
> digital audio recorders / digital microphones
> digital cameras
> DTP / Photoshop / Adobe ie software editing packages
> Blog / web applications
> computers
> word processor
> tablets (drawing / design)
> data profiling
> the internet
> social media
> broadcasts (statellite or terrestrial)
> hosting sites
> Youtube
> email
> website
> wifi
> IP address
> firewalls
> phones
> televisions
> i-pads / laptops / computers
> DAB’s ie digital radio
> air-pods
> Youtube
> cinema
> app
> USB’s
> digital implant
> Internet of things (IoT)
> digital billboards / digital displays
>virtual reality
>wearable technology e.g. apple watch