All posts by Thomas I



Summer Task

The main aim of the magazine front cover was to draw in interest from video game fans which are likely to buy it. I did this by using a very recognisable video game character to catch people eyes, in this instance I used sonic and I made sure that he took up most the front cover to easily get people’s attention. The title covering the image stands out and is used to clearly state the main aspect of the magazine which allows people that are not familiar with certain characters or games to know what they’re buying. 
At the foot of the magazine I had a red box, red is known to catch people’s attention, so I used this to put what else was in the magazine. If the reader or customer didn’t like sonic then I used a variety of games to make a larger range of people want to buy the magazine. At the top of the magazine it has the title ‘PC GAMER’ this is used to clearly state that the magazine is about the computer/pc. 
The main colour theme for the magazine was dark, night like colours this was used to show the theme of the main game. However, I did most the writing in white to contrast the background and try to catch a consumer’s eye. I also used bold writing to show one of the games which would be included in the magazine ‘Mortal Kombat 11’. 
The bar code is an essential part of the magazine for selling copies. I put it in the corner to keep it out the way of the main or more important information. 

Boys’ Life Choices

The version of the boys life magazine i made opposes masculine stereotype, this stereotype shows boys only enjoying action or dangerous situations. I choose a school boy as the main focus of my magazine to show that boys can also enjoy work and school. Showing boys how to enjoy and make the most of school, not only does this break the stereotype but it allows boys to have a successful future. I have also chosen a young impressionable boy to oppose the stereotype of men having to be strong and powerful.

Intro Questions

What is Media?

Media is the use and forms of mass communication such as television broadcasts, websites and social media

What is media studies?

Media studies is the observation of many different forms of communication or interaction

What is the point of media studies?

Media studies is used to show analysis and annotation of wide variety of media forms.