All posts by Tiannan C



Consent is manufactured…

The role of advertising- Propaganda is used to persuade the audience to buy a good or service.

Diversionary tactics – ‘flack’- This is when they trash a story,

Agenda setting- This is when a news item is covered frequently and prominently, the audience will regard the issue as more important.

Framing- The use of media to influence an individuals perception on a topic.

Myth making- Creating fiction content to the audience.

Re-cap questions

Dunbar’s number– is a suggested limit to the number of people with whom one can maintain stable social relationships this number is 150. (Robin Dunbar)

Network Effects– describes how the value of a good or service increases as more people start to use that good or service. (demand increases, the value of the good/service increases) (Theodore Vail)

Loop theory– Using previous data collected to predict future behaviors. For example walking. (Norbert Wiener)

Who really benefits from a digitally networked society? Big business or individuals ?

Generally big businesses benefit from from a digital network. This because they can predict what goods and services people will want in the future they can do this by using the loop theory. This is when a business will use data previously collected to predict future behaviors. For example teen vogue can see what people are drawn too first and which topics they are most interested in to create more content that they know people will be interested in. Therefore they will benefit as they will return to the page and hopefully become loyal to the online magazine.

New vs Old

New media is different from old media as the content is endless , there is always something for people to consume,where as old media would come to an end for example a book will eventually come to a stop.This relates to teen vogue as it always updates its content therefore the consumers wont get bored and can binge on there content.

New media can be personalized as online businesses can track what you are interested in and personalize the content to what people want to see.

A free platform is important as it allows people to accessyour goods and serviced for free, they re more likely to return where as if you charge them for just trying to browse they are more likely to look else where.

New technology

> digital audio recorders
> digital cameras
software programs( photoshop)
> the internet
> social media
> broadcasts (statellite or terrestrial)
> phones
> televisions
> DAB’s

Marshall Mcluhan –

Theory that ‘medium is the message’ , publication in 1964, examines humans’ relationships to the different types of media. Dominant sense- used to be the ear, however is now visual as the use is words is more commonly used

New vs old technology-

  • Old technology was fixed and cannot be edited once distributed however if teen-vogue shared a story it can be edited and changed.
  • Old technology had to be individually distributed however new technology can be shared with multiple people at once, for example Teen-vogue could stream videos on their online website.
  • Old technology used to take a long period of time if being distributed to international places therefore by the time someone had reached it the news could be out dated, whereas Teen Vogue shares active news that is relevant to the world now.
  • The media produced with new technology is endless and can be found at anytime even aver the event has happened, unlike newspapers that eventually age or get damaged online articles like on Teen Vogue are reachable at any time.

Vogue –

14 Powerful Protest Signs From the 2020 Women’s March

This post is based on Politics, this article is on the front page of the Teen Vogue website. The have prioritized photos in this article as it tells the story without having to use words, as the targeted age range is teens they are more likely to look through pictures rather than reading many paragraphs. This keeps the audience interested in the article.

This article is radicle as the woman are challenging the ideology of gender roles. The article shows women coming together from all cultures to protest for their rights, they are all smiling whilst getting their voice hear which is vogues slogan.”RISE,RESIST,RAISE YOUR VOICE. This article promotes vogues message to young girls.Teen vogue are supporting these women by placing this article in the center of the page and enlarging the photo.

Vogue has many subheadings such as politics, lifestyle, news,music,beauty,style,culture and identity.

Within the text there are underlined red texts which are links to other inspiring women march’s showing that vogue are consistent at keeping the audience up to date with the powerful march’s.

Group of protesters at the 2020 Women's March.



Vogue aims towards young girls to empower them, this is seen as the front page is full of stories about strong women foe example “2020 Women’s March: The Most Powerful Protest Signs” This was a protest for rights as a woman.

8 million us dollars

first starting price was $1.50 – cheap affordable

Advance publications-conglomerate

vogue is the sister , vertical intergration

1.7 – 2018 audience were 17 or younger

Letter to the free

  • What significant historical and political events does Common reference? ​

Slavery-1776 till 1865 when it was abolished with the 13th amendment.

13th amendment- This was when slavery was abolished , however there was a loop hole in which white people still use to use black people for labor. It reads’ “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted”

segregation- after the american civil war, slavery was abolished which meant that slaves were free, however white people didn’t want to be around black people. The wants to assert there dominance and therefore Jim crow laws were put into place.

Jim crow laws- separate toilets,drinking places, seating in cinema, no black and white schools, couldn’t eat together in public= not equal

Political- Woodrow Wilson extended these laws into the work place.

Mass incarceration- Prisons are privately owned therefore to keep it open prisoners are needed, therefore African Americans are being pulled up for minor things and are being put in jail for months/years, as he says ….’ Institution ain’t just a building But a method, of having black and brown bodies fill them’

‘Drug abuse’ was the excuse to put blacks away, this was a way to reintroduce segregation subtly. Common says this this the words… ‘nigga’ they use the word ‘criminal’

KKK- Black people were being hung from trees, as seen in letter to the free when he says ‘ southern trees we hung from’, the kkk was made to ‘keep black people in place’ and to scary them. It was a group of white people, which originated from a film shown in cinemas.

Black lives matter movement- this is a movement that campaigns against violence and systemic racism towards black people.


  • A   Cultivation Theory refers to the idea that media can manipulate the way you view the world.​
  • B   Vertical integration is where a media company owns different businesses in the same chain of production and distribution.​
  • C   conglomerate is the idea that one big company owns many smaller companies. (e.g. Disney)​
  • D   Synergy is where two or more media organisations work to produce a combined effect greater than what could be achieved on their own.​

Statement of intent

The design brief was to create a cover, double pages and back page for a gaming magazine inspired by PC gaming, pockets tactics and games TM. Everything we included had to be original.

My magazine is aimed at young female video gamer who are between the ages of 15-21. I wanted to make sure my main focus was females as typically video games are stereo-typically designed for boys or men meaning girls are not encouraged by any media to play. Therefore i chose to use the stereotypical girly colours of pink and purple. For my dominant signifier i chose to insert a girl into the center of the page using a medium shot making it more appealing for my target audience. My main image is a reactionary icon as it is supportive of female gamers.

I chose to use white text on a dark background whilst using black on a lighter background, this makes it stand out catching people attention. I purposefully placed the price in the top third of the magazine making it easier for potential customers to spot.

The title ‘retro gamer’ symbolizes that they are experienced gamers and know what they are doing when it comes to gaming. My title is bold, written in black and again is placed in the top third of the page.

I plan for my informational language to be informal as it is aimed at a younger generation. This will hopefully mean that the audience can relate more towards the magazine. The style of the content inside will be relaxed but informative. Using this type of language makes the magazine more trustworthy and likable.

My magazine is an independent which refers to any form that is free of influence by government or corporate interests. My magazine is a small company which produce content for girls rather than a company that is mainstream.

I aim to represent something different from the usual white male gamer, to do this i will challenge the dominant ideology and make girl gaming just as popular as male gaming.I will do this by using alternative media, this means that my product will differ from dominant companies this can be done through content, production and distribution. I would like to produce a niche magazine rather than a mainstream. Niche products are proving to be very popular right now in the magazine industry, they tend to appeal more to the younger generation which I am aiming to target.


Positive stereotypes– Positive stereotypes are traits and characteristics that are favorable.

negative stereotypes– Negative stereotypes are traits and characteristics that are unfavorable.

Counter-types- When a producer tries to break stereotypes. For example changing the main signifier.

• Misrepresentation– the action or offence of giving a false or misleading account of the nature of something

Selective representation– When a group of people are more represented than others, this is used to push forward the idea.

Dominant ideology– dominant ideology denotes the attitudes, beliefs, values, and morals shared by the majority of the people in a given society.

Constructed reality– The belief that we act and behave in a certain due to the influence media has on us.

Hegemony– media hegemony means the dominance of certain aspects of life. The dominance a group has over other groups.

• Audience positioning