All posts by Tiannan C



Post colonialism

Specifically looks at identity and representation of empire and colonialism, The shadow of the Atlantic slave trade.(started in 1400’s)

The need for mass labour the europeans looked to africa.

African kings sold , criminals as slaves to build up there own country.

Due to men being used as slaves there was a massive impact on the demographics of africa, meaning there are more older woman than men.

TODAYS NEWS- Bristol- wealthy from trading slaves, built from the money made, slave trader statue pulled down of Edward Colston. The death of George Floyd (African American)- caused multiple protests in the streets, black lives matter, failed system (white American in the police force killed George) Still relevant today- Dave (artist) wrote a song about inequality between black people and white people. Performed at the brits awards 2020. Sang about the representation of black people.

Orientalism; The Link between culture, imperial power & colonialism.

Edward Said- “the privileged role of culture in the modern imperial experience” Normative values

“the power to narrate, or block other narratives from forming or emerging, is very important to culture and imperialism.” – by telling white people ‘ black people are inhuman, savages and slavery is good’ they will eventually listen to your narrative/stories.

‘the East is seen as a fascinating realm of the exotic, the mystical and the seductive.’- When westerners step outside of their ‘world’ they believe they can act a certain way that they wouldn’t usually at home.

‘the East becomes the repository or projection of those aspects of themselves which Westerners do not choose to acknowledge (cruelty, sensuality, decadence, laziness and so on)’

Post-colonalism developed in the 1990’s- is about challenging the universal claims.

Orientalism- Europeans seemed to be superior, similar to sterotyping eg; Donald trump- banned muslims from entering American because he stereotyped them by saying they all hate Americans. Orient- ‘the others’

Jacques Lacan, philosopher and mathematician (1901)- ‘you cannot see yourself only a copy/ reflection of yourself to understand who you are and who you are not.’- Mens Health, men trying to understand themselves through other people. Other people judge you from what is on the outside rather than the inside. “interlay misunderstood” ” alone and will never be able to express myself the way i want to” The mirror stage- when you first seen yourself in the mirror usually when you are young.

How does this link to orientalist- duality- the two geographical entities support and in some ways reflect each other. The way in which they ‘paint’ each other what is the narrative? The rational vs the irrational. Orientalism- is like a lens how people are seen by others.

Louis Althusser- ISA’s (Ideological state apparatus) and the notion of interpellation. [eg-family is a ISA, education,] “We are socially constructed”

‘the ruling people’- ideas filtered through people from top down. (dominant ideology)

Frantz Fanon- ‘Mechanics of colonialism and its effects of those it ensnared‘ when he remembers how he felt when, in France, white strangers pointed out his blackness, his difference, with derogatory phrases such as ‘dirty Nigger!’ or ‘look, a Negro!’ – interpellation/hailing.

black face- white performers wearing black makeup on their face and mocking black people. Top-hat, and long tail coat. Jim crow was born, made people believe that black people are lazy and animals.

reclaim their own past by finding a voice and an identity

Antonio Gramsci- Hegemony; process of culture and control. Idea of shift and change,  power relations can be understood as a hegemonic struggle through culture.

How can this link to our csp’s- The letter to the free- “the other” is seen in the music video as a black floating square in the first scene

Paul Gilroy- his theme of double consciousness- ideas from W.E.B Dubois. The colour line, made it hard for whites to see black people as americans.

letter to the free- David Olusoga talks about black British , slavery was abolished however still had to work 45 hours a week for there former slave trader and slave traders were also compensated over 17 billion pounds(overall) for the loss of their ‘property’ aka slaves.

equal justice initative- quotes, a narrative of white supremacy was created.

slavery was abolished however grew in the south from 40,000-435,000

link to letter to the free- slavery carried pn, forced incarnation. Amendment 13- slavery not prohibited only as a punishment of crime

Jim crow laws- racial segregation

Paul Gilroy- double consciousness, how can you be black and British, separation/segregation. Eg- George Floyd black american– however was killed by another american, hybrid both black and american.

W.E.B. Du Bois- 1900 originated the words hybridization and double consciousness. Racism has an effect on identity. This makes it hard for individuals to see themselves as anything other than what white people portray them as.

The specials, Ghost Town- two tone band, hybrid , black and white music (pop and reggae) links to double conscious.

Ghost town- social discontent

Feminist critical thinking

Feminism is closely linked with sexism.

Company and individuals

Sexism is defined on the assumption that men are always superior to females.

Sexual harassment is major in the media industry. Harvey Weinstine= blackmailed woman into having sex with them so that they could work with him to produce their own films.

Feminist- political , Female- biological gender, Feminine- characteristics

1960’s American civil rights movements

Ads view woman differently than men as they are often used to model however in the work place was a secretary, waitress or a cleaner.

First wave of feminism– Suffragettes (1867) – worked on getting womans rights. Woman went as far as chaining themselves to railings, protesting in streets however got punished for this by men. The were often put into prison or beaten in the streets.

Partricarchy – is he cultural mind set in men and woman about sexual inequality.

Laura Mulvey- “visual pleasure and narrative cinema” + there are more men in the film industry (more camera operators, directors…ect) There is an imbalance. ‘visual pleasure’- active in looking and woman are essentially for ‘looking at’ usually sexually. (scopophilia- is the liking of looking, example objectification) freud pschoanalytic concept.

Laura-” taking people as objects and subjecting them to a controlling and subjective gaze” ie: man gaze, vouyerism- the sexual pleasure gained in looking.

Fetishism- close ups of the female body to be presented as something to admire therefore being objectified and sexualised.( eg; lips, hips,bum,breast,thighs…)

Child development- building a sense of who we are through the Other, only ever see a reflection of ourselves. We define ourselves by others. Identity formation. A male construction of women. Cinema- woman are portrayed in a certain way which forces woman to think that how the should behave or be.

Music videos often show woman as a sexual object to please the men. In the background behind men whilst wearing small pieces of clothing (bikini, underwear) dancing erotically this is because it ‘sells’. They use woman bodies as a selling point in music videos. Eg blurred lines- men in suits , woman in underwear.

However is also used in the gaming industry, female characters movement are a lot more sexualised than the male eg; their walk- the hips are oftenly swayed drawing more attention to their butt. This is for the male gaze.

Laura Mulvey wrote her book many years ago however it is still relevant in todays world.

Dreamwolrd- codes and conventions which are taken from pornography.

Raunch Culture the 3rd wave of feminism– younger than 2nd wave feminist, more alert to race and class.(Naomi wolf) Began 1990 characteristic rebellion against their feminist mums, and a ‘sex negative’ approach towards older feminists.

They had many characteristics: sex positivity, a re-appropriation of derogatory terms (slut, bitch), fluid and multiple subject positions and identity.

Eg- wrecking ball by Miley Cyrus, they use their sexuality to make money or to feel empowered.

Eg- metoo movement, about being sexually harassed. Or free the nipple were woman want to be able to not wear a bra and not be sexualised by men.

4th wave – lipstick, butch, femme, and girly girl are all different types of feminism. Judith Butler- we are not a gender its how u construct yourself. You can change how you portray yourself, you build your own identity, eg social media.

Multicultural intersectionality- black gay females/white gay females… e.c.t…

style models music videos


In the beginning of this music video they film a few shots of empty/abandoned rooms with a singular man stood by himself(isolated) this is to give the feel of loneliness and to set the abeyance of the video.This is carried out throughout the video as it shows him walking the empty streets and entering dark, empty houses which were once homes.

I like how they have used lots of short clips to create this music video rather than one whole clip, this allows the audience to many aspects within a short amount of time (3.32 the duration of the video) I also like the use of up close shots and those from a distance.


The purpose of this music video is informing people of the obvious mistreatment of african americans. The beginning shot is of Childish Gambino dancing until he strikes a pose family known in relation to Jim Crow and shoots a black man in the head ( this shows both black art and black suffering) This is powerful and as it is used in the beginning shots sets the severity of the music video. Black music and black dance is largely used in America however is not appriciated this is called a lack of cultural appreciation.

In this music video it shows African Americans being killed/shot this is to spread awareness of black deaths are far higher than white deaths and that white people have privileges. This is very current in todays news as the death of George Floyd set of a mass disruption all over the world.

The music video shows a large group of black people who feel isolated from society as they are not treated equally, the video shows cars on fire, close ups and shots from a distance. There is a protagonist who is filmed throughout the whole video however in the background there are riots and fights with the police this is to show how black people are ‘perceived to be’ whilst the protagonist dances upfront. Although the music video is busy and has a lot going on it still portrays the feeling of fear and isolation they feel from everyone else.

post modernism definitions

Postmodernism was a broad movement in the mid to late 20th century of philosophy, architecture. It questioned the western philosophy and thought of the western world. Genre of architecture in reaction against principles and practices of established ‘modernism’.

Pastiche- A pastiche is a work of art, literature, theatre, or music that imitates the style or character of the work of one or more other artist from a time period.

Bricolage- french for for ‘tinkering’ this is because artists/architects put together objects in a way they were not designed to be used for, to create something new.

Intertextuality- shaping of a texts meaning by using another text.

Implosion- Sudden failure of a system

Cultural appropriation- The usage of elements from another culture besides your own without permission. Often done by those of a dominant culture from a less advantaged culture without appreciating their culture.


  • Anchorage- Fixes meaning between pictures and text
  • Arbitrary or symbolic sign- A sign where the meaning of it is culturally acquired
  • Code- A system used to create meaning
  • Connotation- The meaning created by a sign
  • Decoding- When audiences interpret a text
  • Denotation- The literal meaning of a sign or code
  • Encoding- The intended meaning in a text
  • Iconic sign- Looks like what it represents
  • Indexical sign- Where there is a relationship between the signifier and signified
  • Polysemic- A sign that has more than one meaning
  • Sign- The sum of the signifier plus signified

Ferdinand de Saussure:

  • Signifier- Works with signified to combine into a sign Signified- The meaning that is intended from a sign

C S Pierce:

  • Icon-
  • Index-
  • Symbol-

Roland Barthes:

  • Signifcation,
  • Denotation,
  • Connotation
  • Myth- The way in which certain signs contribute to ideologies in our society

You will also need to understand these two key terms:

  • Ideology,
  • radical
  • reactionary
  • Paradigm- A class of objects or concepts
  • Syntagm- An element which follows another in a particular sequence

the i

Oliver Duff is the editor of the i newspaper magazine.

Liberalism, centrism – political alignment

the idea that knowledge is important and expression should be free

HOW IS THE I DISTINCTIVE?  The i has expanded its layout and coverage, adding special sections for notable events and revamping its weekend edition.

The i was named British National Newspaper of the Year in 2015 – reputation

Format- compact= a broadsheet quality printed into a tabloid format.- this allows for commuters to read the morning paper as it is easier and small to read on public transport.

circulation – 221,083 as of October 2019

The publishers- The daily mail and the general trust.

the i first went on sale for 20p on 26 October 2010, however is now £1.20

political compass

 leftwing– an emphasis on “ideas such as freedom, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, reform and internationalism”

 rightwing– an emphasis on “notions such as authority, hierarchy, order, duty, tradition, reaction and nationalism”.

personalised chart

Public sphere

James Curran- mass media and democracy revisited

Writes about how Habermas argues that there is a arena of public debate, “emergence of independence encouraged a new public engaged political discussion.” public sphere

The media can be seen as a watchdog, a public representative and a source for public information.

One thought is that the main role media plays is to act as a watchdog to the public to oversee the state.

Usually to expose the misuse of authority.

can be used to debate about government freely

laws are put in place by government to regulate the media

should it be free to do what it wants? or should the media be regulated.

Unethical- If it becomes a free market and producers can make anything they want can cause tension.

watchdog keeps everyone in there place

Media shouldn’t be completely controlled by the government but also shouldn’t be a free market. A balance is needed to keep everyone happy

“once the media becomes subjects to public regulation, it will loose its bite as a watchdog and may even be transformed into a snarling rottweiler in the service of the state.”- A rottweiler= dangerous dog

The liberal theory of free press.

Freedom to publish- The theory that everyone should have the right to publish what they want.

Diversity and chain ownership- More publishers leads to more diversity as there is more to choose from. There are many types of different people with different social backgrounds, political beliefs and values who can publish there thoughts, rather than one company who produce the same content and thoughts.


the public sphere- Making connections between individuals rather than all falling under the government.

A public space where individuals can challenge governments ideas.

horizontal – rather than vertical. Less hierarchy, more freedom.

rise of people= debate and challenge , Habermas believes this is healthy

mass media and globalization has effected the public sphere, don’t talk about issues face to face anymore

strength and weakness
+ communication, debate, accessible, don’t need money

-anonymity, too much infomation, quality of debate

internet similar as it transformed the public sphere. Big companies have secured control over media.

free and liberal press- curran, media shouldn’t be controlled by government. freedom is needed.

Public interest- the presumption that the media do serve the public interest. Internet is more important than any other business or service as it can share information with a wider society, especially culturally and politically. Something is in the public interest if it applies to a wider society. Trying to please a larger number of people rather than a certain group of people. Should the government (media) have public control or should it be deregulated. freedom? or control?